本文选题:半干旱区 + 封育草地 ; 参考:《北京林业大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The ecological environment of Yanchi County in Ningxia is fragile, and human unreasonable exploitation and utilization, land degradation is serious. The land desertification becomes the main factor which restricts the local economic development. In this paper, the characteristics and influencing factors of vegetation community in fenced grassland under different control measures were studied, and the changes of vegetation in artificial fencing grassland were discussed, and the influencing factors were analyzed. The conclusions are as follows: (1) there are 14 families and 42 species of plants in the artificial fencing area of Liuyangbao, including Compositae, Gramineae and Leguminosae. Common plant species are Artemisia altaiensis, Artemisia nigra, Artemisia pigeonii, Artemisia odorifolia, leymus, herbaceous, and so on. The number of plant species in seasonal fenced pasture was the most, followed by unfenced pasture, and the least number of plant species was completely closed grassland. In the artificial fencing area of Liuyangbao, the vegetation is mainly herbaceous and the herbaceous plants are perennial herbaceous plants. There were only mesophytes and xerophytes in the fenced area, but no aquatic or wet plants. (2) according to the results of NMDS analysis, the artificial herbaceous field was divided into three community groups. Group 1: Astragalus meliloides community. Group II: the community of Altaia altaiensis (Kudou). (3) the diversity index and dominance index of seasonal herbages were the highest. The distribution of vegetation community was uniform and there was no obvious dominant species. The 尾 _ w, 尾 _ s, 尾 _ j indices of pasture with different fencing years showed an increasing trend with the increase of fencing years. At the same time, the change trend of 尾 w is obvious, the change trend of 尾 j index and 尾 s index is gentle. The 纬 -diversity of seasonal fenced pasture was higher than that of complete and unfenced pasture. Y diversity of closed pasture reached the maximum in 2011. (4) the total complexity of seasonal fencing grassland was higher, followed by complete fencing grassland. Finally, the unfenced pasture. (5) the first sorting axis CCA can clearly distinguish the correlation between species and various environmental factors in the artificial fenced area of Liuyangbao. Secondly, the main environmental factors affecting the artificial fencing area of Liuyangbao were soil bulk density and crust coverage.
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