[Abstract]:[Objective] the swine Delta coronavirus (Porcine Deltacoronavirus, PDCoV) is a newly discovered coronavirus which can cause pigs, especially the newborn piglet diarrhea. The diarrhea caused by the swine has a high incidence and mortality, which is one of the important causes of the death of newborn piglets. The experiment is to establish a new method of detection of PDCoV RT-PCR. And investigate the infection of PDCoV in the current Jiangxi diarrhea pigs. [Methods] through the comparison and analysis of the whole genome sequence of PDCoV in the Gen Bank database, the conservative sequence was found, and the specific Primer gene fragment of the amplified PDCoV Nucleocapsid (N) protein gene fragment was designed by Primer 3 online software, and the PDCoV RT-PCR detection method was established based on the primer. The established method was used to detect the feces and intestinal samples of diarrhea pigs and select positive amplification products for cloning and sequencing. The PDCoV sequence obtained in this test and the PDCoV sequence of other countries or regions, and porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) and porcine infectious gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) were used together to construct the evolutionary tree, and the PDCoV strains and their PEDV and TG were analyzed. The evolutionary relationship between EV; PEDV, TGEV, PKoV, PAstV, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and swine fever virus (CSFV) RNA as a template to verify the specificity of the primers; construct the recombinant plasmid of the PDCoV nucleocapsid protein gene fragment and determine the PDCoV RT by a series of diluted recombinant plasmids. The sensitivity of the -PCR method was used to investigate the existence of PDCoV in 249 samples of swine diarrhea in Jiangxi province from 2012 to 2015, and a certain number of RT-PCR positive amplification products were randomly selected to clone them, and the specificity of the reaction was further verified. [results] 1, the RNA of fecal samples from diarrhea pigs was used as a template, and the application was designed. Specific primers amplified a single band of 329 BP, consistent with the expected target fragment size. The amplified products were cloned and sequenced. The sequences obtained were compared with the NCBI Gen Bank database sequence. The comparison results showed that the sequence obtained by the test was 99.1% homology to the PDCoV sequence in the database, proving that the amplified sequence was P. DCoV; 2 the sequence of PDCoV N gene fragments obtained from 8 experiments and the PDCoV strains of 18 other countries or regions and the sequence of corresponding N gene fragments of PEDV and TGEV were constructed. The results showed that 26 PDCo V sequences belonged to the same branch, while PEDV and TGEV were in different branches. The phylogenetic relationship of strain KNU14-04 is up to 99.1% recently; the relationship with two strains of Hongkong strain HKU 15-44 and HKU 15-155 is relatively distant; 3 the RT-PCR method established in this experiment is specific and can only amplify PDCoV, while PEDV, TGEV, PKoV, PAstV, PRRSV and CSFV nucleic acids are not intersected, and 4 established RT-PCR methods are highly sensitive and will be expanded. The amplified recombinant plasmid was diluted to 1 x 106 copies / L as the initial concentration to 1 x 101 copies / mu L as a template verification method. The results showed that the minimum detectable amount of the proposed method was 1 x 103 copies / mu L, and 5 used RT-PCR method was used to detect 249 copies of Jiangxi province from Jiangxi province from 2012 to 2015. The results showed that the detection rate of PDCoV in diarrhoea samples was 31.33% (78/249), and the detection rate of PDCoV in sow feces (27.78%) was slightly lower than that of piglet feces and intestinal samples (31.92%), and the earliest possible test of PDCoV. [Conclusion] from samples in 2012 was successfully established. The RT-PCR method of new PDCoV was detected, and the RT-PCR method was used to detect the presence of PDCoV in 249 samples of clinical diarrhea samples from Jiangxi region from 2012 to 2015. The results showed that PDCoV was a virus commonly found in the diarrhea pigs, and the established RT-PCR method was used for the clinical diagnosis and epidemiological investigation of pig group PDCoV. It is of applied value.
【作者单位】: 江西农业大学动物科学技术学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31372457) 江西省科技厅落地计划项目(KJLD13029)
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