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发布时间:2018-08-04 16:32
【摘要】:不同剂型的佐剂对疫苗的免疫效果有较大的影响,本试验旨在对比不同剂型佐剂的新城疫-禽流感(简称"新-流")二联灭活疫苗的免疫效果,从而为生产上选择最佳剂型佐剂应用于新城疫-禽流流感二联灭活疫苗提供依据。分别将油包水型、水包油型、水包油包水型佐剂与新城疫及禽流感灭活抗原乳化成不同剂型的新城疫-禽流感(H9亚型,HP株)二联灭活疫苗,将这三种不同剂型的新城疫-禽流感(H9亚型,HP株)二联灭活疫苗分别免疫一组7日龄SPF鸡。每羽颈部皮下注射0.2 m L,同时设一组未免7日龄SPF鸡作为对照组,各免疫组与对照组SPF鸡于免疫组免后6、10、15、21、28、35 d进行采血,检测新城疫与禽流感抗体水平。结果表明:免疫油包水型疫苗组SPF鸡免疫后新城疫与禽流感抗体上升最快,在免后10、15、21、28、35 d的新城疫与禽流感抗体也最高,其次是免疫水包油包水型的,而免疫水包油型疫苗组的SPF鸡新城疫与禽流感抗体上升最慢,而且在免后10、15、21、28、35 d的新城疫与禽流感抗体也最低。此外,从各免疫组可以看出,在免后6 d时新城疫抗体已开始产生,在1log2以下,而禽流感抗体仍未产生。可见免疫新-流二联苗后,新城疫抗体比禽流感抗体更早产生,油包水型新-流二联苗的免后抗体高于水包油包水及水包油型,而且能持续刺激机体产生高水平抗体,更具优势。
[Abstract]:The adjuvant of different dosage forms has great influence on the immune effect of vaccine. The aim of this experiment is to compare the immune effect of Newcastle Disease Avian Influenza (New Stream) combined inactivated vaccine with different adjuvants. Therefore, it provides the basis for selecting the best dosage form adjuvant for the application of Newcastle disease-avian influenza dual inactivated vaccine. Water in oil type, water in water type adjuvant in oil in water and inactivated antigen of Newcastle disease and avian influenza were emulsified into two inactivated vaccines of Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza virus (H9 subtype HP strain) respectively. The three different doses of Newcastle Disease Avian Influenza (H9 subtype HP strain) inactivated vaccine were immunized with 7 day old SPF chickens. Each feather was subcutaneously injected with 0.2 mL, and a control group of SPF chickens aged 7 days was set up as the control group. The SPF chickens of each immunization group and the control group were collected blood samples for detecting the antibody level of Newcastle disease and avian influenza on the 6th day after immunization. The results showed that the antibody to Newcastle disease and avian influenza increased fastest in SPF chickens after immunization, and the antibody of Newcastle disease and avian influenza was the highest at 10 ~ 15 ~ 21 ~ 2835 days after immunization, followed by oil-in-oil type of immunized chicken. However, the increase of Newcastle disease and avian influenza antibody in SPF chickens was the slowest in the oil-in-water vaccine group, and the lowest was the Newcastle disease and avian influenza antibody at 10 ~ (15) ~ (21) ~ (1) ~ (-1) ~ 2 835 days after immunization. In addition, it can be seen from the immunized groups that the Newcastle disease antibody has been produced at 6 days after immunization, and below 1log2, but the avian influenza antibody has not been produced. It can be seen that after immunization, the Newcastle disease antibody was born earlier than the avian influenza antibody, and the post-immunization antibody of the oil-in-water neo-liudipine vaccine was higher than that of the oil-in-water and oil-in-water vaccine, and it could continuously stimulate the body to produce high-level antibodies. More advantage.
【作者单位】: 福州大北农生物技术有限公司;


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