发布时间:2018-08-22 16:25
【摘要】:以短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)荒漠草原为研究对象,采用巢式样方法分析在不同绵羊载畜率下草地的α多样性以及物种组成的变化,探讨荒漠草原生态系统在放牧利用下α多样性对载畜率的响应。结果表明:物种数和α多样性指数随着载畜率的升高而下降。放牧会减少群落非优势物种的相对多度,非优势物种能够反映α多样性。40 m~2为短花针茅荒漠草原多样性研究的最佳取样面积。种-面积关系以及α多样性指数-面积关系符合对数增长模型:y=aln(x)+b。随着取样面积尺度的增加,α多样性指数沿载畜率梯度差异性逐渐增大,在取样面积为0.16 m~2到0.64 m~2时可以体现中、高载畜率和零、低载畜率水平间的差异性,在160 m~2时可以体现各载畜率水平之间的差异显著性。
[Abstract]:Using (Stipa breviflora) desert steppe of Stipa breviflora as the research object, the variation of 伪 diversity and species composition of grassland under different sheep stocking rate was analyzed by nest pattern method. To study the response of 伪-diversity to stocking rate in desert steppe ecosystem under grazing. The results showed that the number of species and 伪 -diversity index decreased with the increase of stocking rate. Grazing can reduce the relative abundance of non-dominant species in the community, and the non-dominant species can reflect the 伪 -diversity. 40mm2 is the best sampling area for the study on the diversity of Stipa breviflora desert steppe. The relationship between species and area and 伪 -diversity exponent-area relation accords with the logarithmic growth model: yyyaln (x) b.. With the increase of sampling area scale, the difference of 伪 diversity index along the gradients of stocking rate increased gradually, and the difference between high stocking rate and zero and low stocking rate level could be reflected in the sampling area of 0.16 mm2 to 0.64 m-2. At 160 m ~ 2, the difference of stocking rate was significant.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古农业大学生态环境学院;
[Abstract]:Using (Stipa breviflora) desert steppe of Stipa breviflora as the research object, the variation of 伪 diversity and species composition of grassland under different sheep stocking rate was analyzed by nest pattern method. To study the response of 伪-diversity to stocking rate in desert steppe ecosystem under grazing. The results showed that the number of species and 伪 -diversity index decreased with the increase of stocking rate. Grazing can reduce the relative abundance of non-dominant species in the community, and the non-dominant species can reflect the 伪 -diversity. 40mm2 is the best sampling area for the study on the diversity of Stipa breviflora desert steppe. The relationship between species and area and 伪 -diversity exponent-area relation accords with the logarithmic growth model: yyyaln (x) b.. With the increase of sampling area scale, the difference of 伪 diversity index along the gradients of stocking rate increased gradually, and the difference between high stocking rate and zero and low stocking rate level could be reflected in the sampling area of 0.16 mm2 to 0.64 m-2. At 160 m ~ 2, the difference of stocking rate was significant.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古农业大学生态环境学院;
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