[Abstract]:Muscovy duck reovirus (Muscovy duck reovirus, MDRV) is a virus found in recent 10 years to cause higher morbidity and mortality in young muscovy ducks. Liver and spleen are the main target organs of MDRV infection. In order to study the molecular pathogenesis of MDRV infection, the transcriptome of 10-day-old muscovy duck was sequenced, assembled and annotated by transcriptome method. The differentially expressed genes in liver and spleen after MDRV infection were screened and analyzed, and the function of differentially expressed genes was analyzed. Finally, the molecular mechanism of MDRV infection which activates innate immune function, induces apoptosis and leads to hepatic steatosis is analyzed and verified. The main results are as follows: 1. In this study, a total length of 17G transcriptome sequence was obtained, and 65535 Unigenes, average lengths were 987 BP, while 41651 Unigenes annotations were obtained, including 25 biological functions. 2. On the 5th day after MDRV infection, 1352 genes were up-regulated and 4906 genes were down-regulated in spleen. GO significant enrichment analysis showed that these genes were involved in 48 biological functions, and KEGG significantly enriched 229 Pathway.3.. Screening of differentially expressed genes revealed that 4190 genes were up-regulated and 113 genes down-regulated in liver. GO significant enrichment analysis showed that these genes participated in 48 biological functions, and KEGG significantly enriched 237 Pathway.4.. The comparative analysis of differentially expressed genes in liver and spleen of MDRV infection showed that the differential expression genes of spleen were mainly down-regulated and that of liver were up-regulated. There were 1350 differentially expressed genes in the two organs. GO functional analysis showed that there were 1350 differentially expressed genes in the two organs. These co-differentially expressed genes were involved in 42 biological functions. KEGG functional analysis showed that the common differentially expressed genes involved inflammatory factors, congenital immune function, antigen presentation process and so on. The acquisition of common differentially expressed genes will provide a powerful basis for further elucidating the pathogenic mechanism of MDRV infection. KEGG analysis showed that MDRV infection upregulated the expression of pattern recognition receptor (RIG-I, MDA5, TLR-1, TLR-2, TLR-4) in spleen to recognize MDRV,. Activation of IRF7 promoted the secretion of type I IFN and regulated the NF-kB signaling pathway, promoted the secretion of inflammatory factor IL6, activated JAK-STAT signal, stimulated the secretion of IFN, and enhanced the innate immune function of the body. Results the transcriptional data were confirmed to be accurate and reliable by Q-PCR. 6. 6%. TUNEL assay and flow cytometry confirmed that MDRV infection induced apoptosis of liver cells. KEGG analysis showed that MDRV infection activates Fas signaling pathway, IL-1R signal pathway. The inhibition of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway induced apoptosis by. Western blot and Q-PCR showed that the transcriptional data were accurate and reliable. The fatty acid content in the liver of MDRV infection was significantly increased (P0.01), which induced hepatic steatosis. KEGG analysis showed that MDRV infection inhibited the expression of key enzymes in cholesterol excretion and fatty acid catabolism in hepatocytes. The accumulation of fatty acids and cholesterol in liver cells may lead to the molecular mechanism of fatty degeneration in MDRV infected liver. In summary, we used transcriptome method to elucidate the differentially expressed genes in the liver and spleen of MDRV infection, and analyze the biological functions of these differentially expressed genes in the liver and spleen. At the same time, the molecular mechanism that MDRV activates innate immune function, induces apoptosis and steatosis of liver is analyzed and verified. It can be seen that the host involved in the regulation of MDRV infection by multiple genes and multiple pathways.
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