[Abstract]:Grassland resources are not only the largest natural green barrier on the earth, but also have a great influence on the development of economy and ecology. With the development of "3s" (GPS,GIS,RS), remote sensing technology provides a more rapid and accurate technical means for the investigation and evaluation of grassland resources. The monitoring of grassland resources by remote sensing has the characteristics of large-scale, space-time and small-scale in scope, and can monitor the change of grassland resources in real-time. The extensive application of remote sensing technology provides reference for rational utilization and evaluation of grassland resources in Yili area of Xinjiang. This research takes Yili area as the object, uses the MODIS data and the climate data, carries on the pretreatment to the 2013 field survey data, on the basis of the remote sensing image, uses the decision tree classification of the computer to classify the grassland resources of the study area. Then the classification results are matched with the visual interpretation results to verify the accuracy of the classification. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) the remote sensing retrieval of grassland resources in Yili area of Xinjiang is based on the survey data of 146 grassland sample plots in Yili area. The spatial distribution characteristics of vegetation biomass and soil bulk density in Yili region of Xinjiang were inversely analyzed by weight parameter analysis and weighted fusion of each factor on biomass and soil bulk density. Using ArcGIS software, the spatial distribution characteristics of vegetation biomass and soil bulk density in Yili region of Xinjiang were inversely analyzed. The results show that the inversion results of biomass and soil bulk density are basically consistent with the topography, geomorphology and climate characteristics of Yili area, and reflect the spatial distribution characteristics of grassland vegetation in Yili area. (2) Establishment of visual interpretation of grassland resources. The first grassland survey data in 1980, 1: 250000 land use map and TM image data were superimposed according to the interpretation principle by using artificial visual interpretation method. Finally, the visual interpretation of grassland resources in Yili area is completed. (3) by analyzing the index vegetation and vegetation community information of grassland vegetation in Yili area, the characteristics of different grassland types are accurately described by the automatic identification of grassland resources. The six indexes are converted from grid to point, and then the attributes of all indexes are added to one index by multi-value extraction. Then according to the threshold range, the grassland type is extracted according to the attribute, then the point is converted into grid, and the distribution map of each grassland type is output. The overall accuracy of decision tree classification is 68.45%, and the Kappa coefficient is 0.5205. In general, decision tree classification has certain reference value in grassland resource classification. The classification accuracy of decision tree classification based on expert knowledge for alpine meadow, warm mountain meadow, warm meadow grassland, warm desert and other grassland types is higher, the mapping accuracy is 97.13% ~ 100%, and the user precision is 81.57% / 100%. It is shown that the application of decision tree classification in these categories has high reliability. However, the classification accuracy of warm steppe, warm desert steppe and low-land salinized meadow is lower, and the error is 35.19% and 85.53%. The reasons need to be further analyzed.
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