[Abstract]:Post resuscitation multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (PR-MODS) after resuscitation is an important cause of the failure of final resuscitation and poor overall prognosis after cardiac arrest. The exact mechanism of.PR-MODS is not very clear, especially in the lack of animal models associated with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome after the Soviet Union. The experimental study of cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation at home and abroad still stays at the stage of primary resuscitation of cardiac arrest.
In this paper, on the basis of the establishment of asphyxia induced cardiac arrest and PR-MODS animal model, the feasibility, the mechanism and the effect of the early intervention treatment of Shengmai injection were discussed.
In this paper, we mainly investigated the clinical epidemiology of cardiac arrest and PR-MODS patients in ICU, and discussed and analyzed the PR-MODS related factors of cardiac arrest. In the experimental study, the model of cardiac arrest caused by asphyxia was first established, and the effects of Shengmai Injection on the recovery of autonomic circulation and hemodynamic changes of the model were observed. After ROSC SIRS, TNF-a (ELISA), main organ function index and pathological changes, the feasibility of establishing PR-MODS model was discussed. The apoptosis of myocardial cells of PR-MODS rabbit and the expression of Fas gene protein were detected by TUNEL and immunohistochemistry, and the effects of Shengmai Injection on the above indexes were observed.
The results show that: 1, it is clear that the occurrence and mortality of PR-MODS in the patients with cardiac arrest and spontaneous circulation recovery in ICU are closely related to the recovery time of autonomic circulation, and the prognosis may be affected by many factors. It is emphasized that the tissue perfusion and oxygen supply should be restored as soon as possible, and the post Soviet viscera support treatment.2 and the first use of asphyxia method to establish the heart. The PR-MODS animal model showed the SIRS reaction, the increase of TNF-a, the change of the main organ function index and the ultrastructure of the pathology after the sudden cardiac arrest of the rabbit heart, suggesting the feasibility of the establishment of the PR-MODS animal model of the cardiac arrest caused by the asphyxia method, and the 7 minute.3 should be selected for the subsequent asphyxiation time. Pulse injection can shorten the recovery time of autonomic circulation in rabbits, improve the function of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function after cardiac arrest and stabilize hemodynamics after resuscitation. (4) it is proved that Shengmai injection can also inhibit the changes of TNF-a after resuscitation, reduce the degree of main organ involvement in PR-MODS rabbits, inhibit apoptosis of myocardial cells and reduce the Fas protein table. The results of this paper have created a valuable animal model for the prevention and control of PR-MODS in the field of clinical cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the future, and also provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of PR-MODS in the prevention and treatment of Chinese medicine.
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