[Abstract]:Acid-sensitive ion channels (ASICs) are a class of extracellular proton-activated cationic channels that are widely distributed in the nervous system and possess various physiological and pathological functions, such as tactile, taste, vision, pain, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, cerebral ischemia and epilepsy. Six ASIC subunits encoding four genes, ASIC1a and its spliced variants ASIC1b, ASIC2a and their spliced variants ASIC2b, ASIC3 and ASIC4, were cloned and expressed in central neurons. ASIC1a is the main functional subunit. ASIC1a homopolymer channel mediates a fast, instantaneous inward current that permeates sodium and calcium ions. Semi-maximum activation pH (pH_ (0.5)) of ~6.2. ASIC2a homopolymer channel is insensitive to protons, and pH_ (0.5) of ~4.4. ASIC2b does not form a functional homopolymer channel, but can form other channels. Functional ASICCs are generally considered to be tetramers formed by the same or different subunits. However, recent crystal structure studies such as Gouaux have shown that ASIC1 homomers are assembled by three subunits.
Recent studies have shown that ASICs play an important role in the central nervous system, involved in synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, and axonal degeneration. A recent study in the hippocampal slices showed that ASIC1a subunit localized on the dendritic spine can affect the density of the dendritic spine, inhibit the expression of ASIC1a and reduce the number of dendritic spines, while overexpression of ASIC1 in the amygdala and other brain regions can enhance the background-conditioned fear. One year later, the effect was reversed by influencing intracellular Ca ~ (2+) concentration and CaMK II phosphorylation. Friese et al. (2007) found that compared with wild-type mice, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) significantly reduced clinical deficiency and axonal degeneration, suggesting that ASIC1 participated in central nervous system autoimmune inflammation. The axons degenerate.
In this paper, we investigated the assembly of acid-sensitive ion channels in living cells and the role of acid-sensitive ion channels in hippocampal neuronal burst development.
1. to study the assembly of acid sensing ion channels by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) method.
The classical methods, such as immunoprecipitation or electrophysiological analysis, suggest that most subunits can form homopolymers or heteromeric complexes. However, it is not clear about the ASICs subunit assembly in living cells and the molecular ratio of each subunit in ASICs heteromers. In this study, we used a biophysical method, fluorescence. Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) directly studies ASICs assembly in living cells. Because of its non-invasive nature, FRET can analyze protein-protein interactions in living cells and has high spatial resolution, it has been successfully applied in many fields. In the study of receptor-channel molecule ratio and assembly, we labeled CFP and YFP on the carboxyl end of various ASICs subunits, then transfected these constructions into CHO cells. FRET values were calculated by three-channel FRET imaging, and FRET efficiencies between adjacent subunits were deduced from the established tetramer or trimer FRET model. The results showed that significant FRET signals could be detected when the same subunit of CFP and YFP was co-expressed either in the tetramer FRET model or in the trimer FRET model, indicating that ASIC subunits could be assembled into synaptic channels, and significant FRET signals could also be detected when different subunits of CFP and YFP were co-expressed in CHO cells. In addition, the molecule ratio of ASIC heteromers was also preliminarily discussed. It was found that if the ASIC heteromer channel was tetramer, each subunit had two, the molecule ratio tended to be 2:2; if it was trimer, ASICs assembly was random. This study provides some new evidence for ASIC homopolymer and heteromer assembly. This difference in subunit composition forms the functional heterogeneity of ASICs and largely forms the intrinsic structural basis for the diverse and complex physiological functions of ASICs.
2. the role of acid sensing ion channels in the development of dendrites in hippocampal neurons
The growth and branching of dendrites are important for the formation of functional neural networks, but the role of ASICs in tree burst development is rarely reported. Function: To observe the dendritic growth and branching complexity of hippocampal neurons at the time points of DIV8 and DIV14, and to study whether acid-sensitive ion channels affect the dendritic development of hippocampal neurons. ASICs are involved in regulating the development of dendrites, which will help to understand how acid-sensitive ion channels affect the formation of neural networks and thus participate in higher brain functions such as learning and memory.
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