[Abstract]:Objective Ancylosis is a common intestinal parasitic disease in developing countries. Repeated drug repellent treatment increases the risk of drug resistance, and the side effects of drugs restrict the use of chemotherapy drugs in pregnant women and infants. A safe and effective alternative drug or functional food for the treatment of hookworm disease needs to be developed.The adults of hookworm discharged from the patients with hookworm disease after treatment were collected to prepare hookworm adult worm antigen (AWA) and immunize 25-week laying hens to prepare specific egg yolk antibodies (IgY) against hookworm adults and identify them.The titers of antibodies were monitored dynamically and purified in large quantities. In vitro and in vivo tests were carried out to analyze the anti-metacercariae effect of specific IgY with high titer IgY, so as to lay a foundation for further development of anti-hookworm drugs or functional foods.
Methods Twenty-three inpatients in the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University were screened by the method of saturated saline floatation and water-washing precipitation. The stools of four positive patients were collected 1-5 days after drug-repellent treatment. The adults were washed and collected to prepare AWA for preservation. The eggs were collected before and after immunization and stored at 4 C after labeling. Anti-hookworm IgY antibody was crude extracted by water dilution method, purified by salting-out method, identified by SDS-PAGE and Western-blotting. The titer of antibody was determined by indirect ELISA and selected. The eggs with the highest titer of IgY were extracted and purified in large quantities and stored at 4 C. The feces of patients with severe hookworm infection in Mengcheng County of Anhui Province were collected by modified Kato-Katz method. (L3) co-cultured with 30%, 50% and 70% IgY antibodies in vitro and co-cultured with IgY antibodies in mouse abdominal cavity respectively. The morphology of hookworm larvae was observed under inverted microscope and the survival rate of hookworm larvae was statistically analyzed. In order to observe the distribution of the antigens on the surface of leptospira, the IgY antibody and FITC labeled anti-chicken IgY antibody were used for indirect immunofluorescence assay.
Results The AWA concentration of hookworm was 1.21 mg/ml. The IgY purified by water dilution and salting-out was 1.8 mg/ml. The molecular weight of IgY detected by SDS-PAGE was consistent with the theoretical value. Western-blotting showed that the IgY and AWA could recognize each other after immunization, but the IgY before immunization could not recognize the adult antigen protein. The titer of antibody increased gradually with the passage of time, and reached the peak at 55 days after immunization. The titer of antibody varied with individual laying hens. IgY was purified by EGG stractTM IgY Purification System and measured by Lowry method. The concentration of IgY was between 5.9 mg/ml and 10.1 mg/ml. In vitro co-culture of Leptospira with IgY, a flocculent or granular attachment was formed on the surface of leptospira. The flocculent entanglement restricted the activity of leptospira. Statistical analysis of the survival rate of Leptospira showed that 50% and 70% IgY antibodies could affect the survival of leptospira. Y antibody can increase the chemotaxis and adhesion of neutrophils to hookworm larvae. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the surface membrane of hookworm larvae was swollen and rough, and the electron densities of the surface membrane and muscular layer were uneven. Immunofluorescence test showed that there were the same antigen components on the surface membrane of hookworm larvae as that of hookworm adults. The obtained IgY antibody can bind to the antigen on the membrane of the larvae.
Conclusion A large number of specific IgY antibodies against hookworm adults have been successfully prepared, which are safe, stable and easy to preserve. We found that IgY antibodies can bind to the surface membrane antigens of hookworm larvae and increase the chemotaxis and adhesion of neutrophils to hookworm larvae. The results showed that the specific IgY antibody could damage hookworm larvae and could be used for passive immunization of hookworm disease.
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