[Abstract]:After entering the modern society, the factors of various public crises are increasing, and public health emergencies break out more and more frequently. In today's world, a variety of public health emergencies have become a major social problem. According to the statistics of the State Environmental Protection Administration, from 2001 to 2004, the number of environmental pollution and damage accidents in China ranged from 1400-2000. These catastrophes are unpredictable and irresistible. They not only seriously threaten people's lives, but also cause great losses to people's material and economy, and cause devastating disasters to human beings. As the main part of society, colleges and universities inevitably suffer from public health emergencies. Colleges and universities are a highly densely populated place, and the transmission of infection is relatively rapid. They are a young and special social group, because their cognitive style and defense ability are not mature, they often lack the ability to deal with some large emergencies, once the crisis will bring them great damage. Especially the SARS in 2008 and the A-A in 2009 brought great economic losses and psychological panic to colleges and universities all over the world. Therefore, to improve the ability of psychological stress of college students in public health emergencies, reduce the pressure of harm, and explore the establishment of an effective stress mechanism of public health emergencies in colleges and universities have received widespread attention. During the outbreak of influenza A (H1N1) in winter 2009, a sampling survey was carried out among college students in a certain school in view of the measures of closing schools in a university. The questionnaire was used to investigate the psychological factors of influenza A (H1N1). Eysenck Personality questionnaire, simple coping style questionnaire, Self-Rating anxiety scale, etc., to understand the different characteristics of college students in the face of public health emergencies awareness, coping style, psychological quality and other aspects of the difference. In terms of the fear mentality of H1N1, 37.8% of the students had obvious fear about H1N1 influenza, and the average anxiety level was significantly different from that of the norm in China. The multiple linear stepwise regression analysis was used to predict the anxiety level during influenza A (influenza A) with the total score of anxiety level as dependent variable and other related factors as dependent variables. Negative coping was the best predictor, followed by emotional stability and positive coping. This paper discusses and analyzes the current situation and causes of stress psychology of college students in public health emergencies, and puts forward corresponding operational suggestions, coping methods and improvement measures. In order to find the ways to prevent and stress public health emergencies in colleges and universities, it is hoped that it can provide a strong basis for the corresponding university administrators and health institutions to make decisions.
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