[Abstract]:Objective To observe the micro-anatomical structures of the three kinds of surgical access roads, namely, the transparent compartment cavity, the inter-hole access road, the inter-chamber hole access road and the vein-splitting into the third ventricle, and to select the reference when the third ventricle is surgically inserted into the third ventricle. Methods 10 adult cadaveric heads were dissected and dissected under a 10-fold microscope to simulate the surgical access to the third ventricle. Drainage veins; 50 cases of normal human clear CT or MRI image data were randomly observed; clinical data of 7 cases of third ventricle tumors were analyzed retrospectively. Results (1) Anatomical results: The distance between crown sagittal plane (coronal seam and sagittal seam) and nasal root was (139-1.92) mm, and there was little drainage vein before coronal suture, and the coronal suture was drained to sagittal plane. However, the distance between the lower edge and the hole was 7.49. The distance between the lower edge and the hole was 7.49. The distance between the lower edge and the hole was 7.49, respectively. mm, 9. 86mm; the thickness of the vitreous body is 7. 16mm, 7. 62mm, respectively; the average distance between the joint trailing edge and the trailing edge of the inter-chamber hole at the front joint to the inter-chamber hole is 10.1mm, the range is 9. 6-10. 4mm; the transparent diaphragm is located in the midline 9 1 case was deviated to one side, 8 cases had transparent compartment cavity and it was very easy to separate the two leaves, 2 cases were unable to separate the transparent compartment cavity, and after the incision was made, 5 cases were directly entered into the transparent compartment cavity and 4 cases were admitted to the right lateral ventricle. In 1 case of left lateral ventricle, 9 specimens were easily separated from both sides in the hole seam area to enter the third ventricle, 1 case was difficult to separate, but it could still be separated; the length diameter and the short diameter of the inter-chamber hole were (5. 6 mm 1. 3) mm, (2. 7 mm 1. 0) mm, the distance between the venous angle and the inter-chamber hole was 0-14. 8mm, and the average was (5). 2. 2. 9) mm, the distance variation between the vein angle and the inter-chamber hole is large, and the vein crack is a bit. thalami and between the hole and the hole. "C" shape of natural fissure. (2) Imaging result: In 50 normal subjects, transparent septal CT and MRI image data, transparent septum is located in 41 cases of midline, accounting for 82%, and transparent septal deviation is 4 cases, of which 1 case is obviously deviated to the right side. 5 cases of the fifth ventricle; the whole third ventricle and even the crotch region can be revealed through the transparent compartment cavity-through the inter-hole entry path; the anterior structure of the third ventricle can be revealed through the inter-chamber hole entry path; and the vein splitting into the road can be obvious. Results of clinical application: In the clinical data of 7 patients with third ventricle tumors, 5 males and 2 females, 11-46 years old, 26 years on average and 10 days in the course of the disease. The average age was 5. 3 months; 5 cases were in transparent compartment cavity--hole-in-hole access, 1 case through inter-chamber hole-in road, 1 case underwent vein splitting; all cases were well-exposed and all tumors were fully cut; postoperative pathology: 1 case was glioblastoma, 1 case was pituitary adenoma, and it All of the remaining 5 cases were opharyngioma; postoperative complications: 1 case of postoperative memory disorder, 3 days post-recovery, 1 case of water electrolyte disorder, cured after symptomatic treatment, There were no complications in the remaining 5 cases. There are three ways to enter the third ventricle, that is, through the transparent compartment-to-hole access, the inter-chamber hole-in way and the choroid-down way through the transparent partition-hole-to-hole access road, where the interchamber entrance path can be operated in the direct-view without the need of The double-side important structure can be seen by over-pulling, the damage to the surrounding important structure is very small, and the front, middle and rear parts of the third ventricle can be fully exposed, and the optimal route for the surgical resection of the third ventricle lesion is achieved, and if the transparent diaphragm cavity cannot Separate, interlaboratory holes or veins. Be familiar with the above data to help protect the motion area during operation
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