[Abstract]:Hantavirus is a lipid-coated RNA virus that can be continuously infected without causing it to cause disease, whereas humans can be infected after inhalation of a virus-containing aerosol-like rodent excreta, causing hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and lung syndrome (HPS). Currently, there are no antiviral drugs for the treatment of Hantavirus infection, which is limited to symptomatic and supportive treatment. Therefore, it is very important and urgent to find effective and specific new methods for treating Hantavirus. RNA interference (RNAi) is a sequence-specific gene sink induced by double-stranded RNA The RNAi technology, targeting pathogenic genes, can be used to treat diseases, including tumors, infectious diseases, and parasitic diseases. The application of anti-virus RNAi strategy as a treatment method is attracting more and more attention, and there are a variety of protocols based on this strategy. However, although RNAi against viral genes can specifically inhibit viral replication, tissue or cell-specific transport of small RNAs is by no means simple Single-easy. Therapeutic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are faced with how to be specifically and effectively transported in vivo The results suggest that in vivo cell type-specific gene silencing can be achieved by binding siRNA to cell type specific affinity ligands or monoclonal antibodies, i.e., antibody directed siRNA complexes enter the target cells by endocytic action, Over-RNAi pathway, specific sinking An antibody fragment fused with a small molecule alkaline nucleic acid binding protein is an effective tool for in vivo transport, Due to the specificity of silencing, non-specific immune activation and systemic toxicity, the specific transport of cell types with therapeutic RNAi is promoted. In this study, four siRNAs were synthesized and the strongest anti-viral siRNA-HV2 (named s) was screened. iHV) is used for the next study. To determine whether an antibody-mediated siRNA can specifically transport siRNA into Hantavirus infected cells, a fusion egg is expressed in a prokaryotic expression vector pET32a White 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP, consisting of Hantavirus antigen specific single chain antibody (3G1scFv) and protamine fragment (8th to 29th) The fusion protein is mainly expressed as soluble expression, and the fusion protein is obviously retained with antigen binding activity, can specifically bind the virus antigen on the cell membrane, and can be combined with the antigen of the cell surface and can so as to specifically internalize the cytoplasm of the infected cells and have a similar internalization path to the transferrin, i.e. This fusion protein can be combined The results showed that 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP had the ability to bind with siRNA, and the binding ability existed in dose-dependent relation; DynabeadsTAALON beads analysis showed that the binding relationship between 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP and siRNA was 1 molecule 3G1scFv-C. _ K-tP can bind about 10 molecular siRNA; 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP can bind FITC-The cell growth curve was measured by MTT assay, indicating 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP/ siRNA has no toxic effect on cell growth. In infected cells, this fusion The results showed that 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP/ siHV reduced viral RNA and virus resistance. An animal model was prepared by intraperitoneal injection of Hantavirus 76-118 strain, and then the 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP/ FITC-siRNA mixture was injected intraperitoneally to confirm the fusion. The fusion protein can specifically transport the siRNA into the brain cells infected with Hantavirus, and the flow cytometry detects that 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP can specifically transport FITC-siRNA to the brain tissue of Hantavirus infection, The fluorescence dispersion was observed in the cell membrane and cytoplasm of Hantavirus infection cells. The intraperitoneal injection of 3G1s CFv-C _ K-tP/ siHV could be used in the protection of Hantavirus infection encephalitis. The results showed that the levels of viral RNA and viral antigen in 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP/ siHV treatment group were significantly decreased, and immunohistochemical staining of brain tissue and other tissues was performed to observe 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP/ siH. V has been shown to inhibit the infection and replication of Hantavirus; assess the survival rate of animals; find that 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP trans-transporter siHV has a significant protective effect on animals; detect IFN levels in milk rats, and show that 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP/ siHV does not induce IFN production and is proved to be The protective effects produced in animals are mediated by specific RNAi targeting viral RNA. In conclusion, the results show that 3G1scFv-C _ K-tP can be specifically transported.
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