[Abstract]:Gene prediction of human genetic diseases is a hot issue in bioinformatics. With the completion of genome sequencing and the development of new generation sequencing technology, the data of gene and protein interaction network are increasing. These data are used to analyze and predict the genetic basis and molecular basis of human disease, which is of great practical significance to genomics and medicine. In this paper, according to the relationship between clinical description of genetic diseases and protein interaction network, we obtain relevant data. Firstly, we mine the online database of human genetic diseases by vector space model. The overlapping relationship between phenotypes of genetic diseases was calculated, and then a series of biological networks were constructed by using protein interaction relation data to calculate interaction score and disease protein correlation data to construct a series of biological networks. The disease phenotypes and protein network data were analyzed and the candidate disease genes were ranked and sequenced based on these network data to predict disease genes. In this paper, two new genetic prediction methods for human genetic diseases based on network are proposed. First, based on the traditional two-dimensional correlation probability model, two new probabilistic models based on multidimensional random variables, the central probabilistic model and the shape probabilistic model, are proposed. A mathematical model for predicting pathogenic genes based on multi-probability fusion is proposed. The other is regression analysis with filter function. By observing the data of network and probability model, summarizing the rule of data, adding biological hypothesis, the candidate gene is sorted by filtering function fusion regression analysis. The prediction model based on multi-probability fusion reflects the correlation law between phenotypic similarity and protein interaction on many levels by making comprehensive use of joint probability, center probability and shape probability. Compared with the traditional model based on single probability, the mathematical model can better reflect the real appearance of the biological system and has a stronger ability to predict disease genes. Another predictive model using filter function fusion regression analysis, based on reasonable biological assumptions, reflects the genetic association in disease phenotypic overlap, and can effectively rank many non-pathogenic genes at the back of the queue. The efficiency of the prediction method is improved effectively.
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