[Abstract]:Influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. In recent decades, the prevalence of human influenza has been dominated by type A H3/H1 subtype and type B influenza, while the prevalence of avian influenza has been dominated by type A H5/H7/H9 subtype, which has caused great losses. In recent years, several subtypes (H5/H7/H9/H10) of avian influenza virus (AIV) begin to break through interspecific barriers and infect humans, which may cause a pandemic. At present, the traditional influenza vaccine has been unable to effectively cope with this trend. Scholars from all over the world have developed new influenza vaccines to cope with the interspecies transmission and coexistence of multiple subtypes of influenza. In this paper, we intend to study the multiple subtype influenza virus complex polyepitope nucleic acid vaccine. Based on the collection of published functional epitopes of influenza, CTL,Th,B cell epitopes were predicted and screened by bioinformatics theory for the protective antigens hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of H1/H3/H5/H7/H9 subtypes. The multiepitope functional gene cassette was designed and optimized by artificial simulation. The predicted antigenicity of Th and B cell functional epitopes was analyzed by means of in vitro experiments. According to the difference between animals and prevention purposes, we have constructed three kinds of complex polyepitope nucleic acid vaccines of H3/H1 (for human), H5/H3 (for human and pig), H5/H7 (for human and poultry). RT-PCR and indirect immunofluorescence assay were used to confirm the effective expression of each antigen component in the vaccine. Finally, we carried out the experimental immunological study of the complex polyepitope nucleic acid vaccine in mice, pigs and chickens. The levels of ELISA and HI antibodies, lymphocyte stimulating index (LSI), IFN 纬-ELISPOT and the number of T lymphocyte subclasses were measured. The immunogenicity of different multiepitope vaccines was evaluated by comprehensive analysis of serum cytokines. The results showed that the antibody level of epitope associated antigen in the composite multiepitope vaccine group was similar to that in the non-epitope group, and the antibody level of epitope associated antigen showed some advantages. The lymphocyte stimulating index of epitope associated antigen increased significantly, and the number of IFN 纬-ELISPOT spots increased in varying degrees. The number of CD4~ T lymphocytes and the content of serum Th2 cytokines were significantly increased in multiple epitope vaccine immunized group. The above results confirmed that the compound polyepitope vaccine had the advantages in inducing cellular and humoral immunity, and the overall immune level induced by the compound polyepitope DNA vaccine was the best compared with that of the control group. This study is a useful attempt to prevent multiple subtypes of influenza virus simultaneously, to protect animal immunity, and to provide long term immunity protection for a variety of general influenza vaccines.
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