[Abstract]:Aim: to induce the differentiation of adipose stem cells (ADSCs) into epidermal stem cells (ESCs) by co-culture in vitro, and to explore the feasibility of inducing adipose stem cells (ADSCs) to differentiate into epidermal stem cells (ESCs) as tissue engineered skin seed cells. Methods: 1. Three to four months old white rabbits were used to isolate the cells from adipose tissue by adherent method and type I collagenase method. The cells were subcultured and cultured in vitro for a long time, and their biological characteristics were observed and detected. Identification of Adipose-derived Stem cells (ADSCs). From cultured cells 2. Human HaCaT cells were resuscitated and cultured in vitro. 3. Experimental groups: 1 the third generation ADSCs. of ADSCs;3 co-cultured for 7 days with ADSCs;2 co-cultured for 3 days The co-culture model of HaCaT cells and ADSCs cells was established in vitro by inserting (Transwell) and six pore plates. HaCaT cells and ADSCs cells were cocultured in the upper chamber and the lower chamber, respectively. Morphological observation and identification of co-cultured ADSCs were carried out. Keratin K19 Pan-CK and 尾 1 integrin were detected by immunocytology in three groups of cells. SPSS15.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results: the biological characteristics of 1.ADSCs were as follows: (1) Rabbit ADSCs in primary generation and passage had long fusiform or triangular adherent growth, which was similar to (BMSCs) in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, and the growth curve of rabbit ADSCs in passage was "S" shape. The population doubling time was 22h~25h.3 immunocytochemistry to detect the positive expression of CD29,CD44. The expression of CD34,CD45 was negative. 2. In morphology of co-cultured ADSCs:1, the volume and transverse diameter of co-cultured ADSCs cells became larger and thicker, from the original slender spindle type to the coarse spindle type or short rod type. The morphology of the ADSCs cells transformed to epidermal cell line and was in immature stage. 2in immunocytochemistry, the expression of keratin K19Pan-CK and 尾 1 integrin in ADSCs was positive, and the positive rate of ADSCs expression in co-cultured for 7 days was higher than that in co-cultured for 3 days (P < 0. 05). The results showed that the co-cultured ADSCs was a mixture of the third generation ADSCs, epidermal stem cells (ESCs) and temporary proliferative cells (TA cells). Conclusion: 1. High purity ADSCs. can be obtained by collagenase digestion 2. Rabbit ADSCs and human HaCaT cells can be induced to differentiate into ESCs by co-culture in vitro. 3. The co-culture model of HaCaT and ADSCs was constructed with Transwell in vitro. The positive rate of transformation was higher, the cross reaction was avoided, and it was simple and economical.
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