发布时间:2018-12-19 12:49
【摘要】: 目的:明确面神经颧支、下颌缘支进入颧肌、降口角肌的位置、方式和体表标志。 方法:10具(20侧)10%甲醛固定的成人尸头标本,显微解剖观察面神经颧支、下颌缘支的走行、分布及毗邻,两者分别进入颧肌、降口角肌入肌点的位置及其支配方式等。建立坐标系Ⅰ(以经口角的水平线为X轴,经同侧眼外眦角的垂线为Y轴)和坐标系Ⅱ(以口角为原点,经同侧口角的水平线和垂直线分别为X和Y轴),分别测量并记录颧支入肌支在坐标轴Ⅰ上的位置和下颌缘支入肌支在坐标轴Ⅱ上的位置,进行体表定位。 结果:面神经颧支自腮腺前上缘出腮腺,以两支型为主(占65%,13侧)。浅支经颧大肌头侧的浅面支配眼轮匝肌。深支为主干支,平均分为3.40±1.06支(2-6支),从颧大肌上1/2的深面进入并支配该肌,入肌神经数为6.00±1.49(3-8支)。其中最上支(Z1)和最下支(Z2)与颧大肌外缘交点的连线AB即颧支入肌点的体表投影线。面神经下颌缘支起自颈面干,80%经下颌角上方与咬肌后缘自腮腺前下缘浅出,以一支型为主(占60%),多数(60%)于下颌骨下缘的上方走行,跨越面血管后,平均发出3.50±1.78支(2-8支),进入降口角肌深面,呈节段爪形或丛状支配该肌,入肌神经数为8.00±2.52支(5-11支)。其中最上支(M1)和最下支(M2)与降口角肌外缘交点的连线ab即下颌缘支入肌点的体表投影线。下颌缘支与颊支、颏神经均有细小的交通支相连。 结论:根据上述结果,临床行面部手术时,在颧大肌下2/3表面分离是安全的,尽量避免在颧肌的深面进行分离,尤其是上1/2的深面,极易损伤面神经颧支;在其下半深面分离时,应紧贴颧大肌,以免损伤从其深面经过的面神经颊支。面神经下颌缘支在走行中与下颌角、下颌骨下缘和面动脉的关系密切,临床可以以它们为标志寻找神经并保护之。由于下颌缘支的分支从口角垂线外侧大约30mm处进入降口角肌的深面,并在颏孔附近与颏神经有交通,因此在该部位施行手术时应注意保护,以减少术后并发症。
[Abstract]:Objective: to determine the location, pattern and body surface of zygomatic branch of facial nerve, mandibular marginal branch into zygomaticus muscle and descending horn muscle. Methods: ten adult cadaveric head specimens (20 sides) fixed with 10% formaldehyde were dissected to observe the zygomatic branch of facial nerve, the movement, distribution and adjoining of mandibular marginal branch, the position and innervation mode of the entry point of descending horn muscle and zygomaticus muscle respectively. Coordinate system I (horizontal line through mouth angle is X axis, and vertical line through lateral canthus angle is Y axis) and coordinate system 鈪,
[Abstract]:Objective: to determine the location, pattern and body surface of zygomatic branch of facial nerve, mandibular marginal branch into zygomaticus muscle and descending horn muscle. Methods: ten adult cadaveric head specimens (20 sides) fixed with 10% formaldehyde were dissected to observe the zygomatic branch of facial nerve, the movement, distribution and adjoining of mandibular marginal branch, the position and innervation mode of the entry point of descending horn muscle and zygomaticus muscle respectively. Coordinate system I (horizontal line through mouth angle is X axis, and vertical line through lateral canthus angle is Y axis) and coordinate system 鈪,