[Abstract]:In the post-genome era, the focus of life science research is no longer to study a single gene, but to study the operation mechanism of biological system at the level of genome structure and function. In this paper, some differentially expressed genes were screened out by gene expression profile data, and the structural differences of gene networks between normal group and disease group were analyzed. Based on the difference of gene intensity, medium and fault influence in mutual information network between normal group and disease group, the corresponding candidate disease key genes were sorted. The sequencing was optimized by the algorithm of social selection model, and the final aggregation sequence of genes was obtained and the key genes of disease were selected from them. The specific research contents are as follows: firstly, two groups of breast cancer data are downloaded from GEO database, one is pairwise data, the other is non-pairwise data. After the necessary data preprocessing of the two groups of data, about 300 differentially expressed genes were screened by SAM software. According to the expression profile data of these differentially expressed genes, the gene information correlation network between normal group and cancer group was constructed. Based on the analysis of the average degree and average kernel of the mutual information related network, it is found that there is a significant difference in the structure of the gene mutual information correlation network derived from the data of the normal group and the cancer group. In particular, the difference between non-pairwise data is more significant than that of pairwise data. According to the theory that structure determines function in biology, the difference of structure is the direct cause of functional difference. The node (gene) intensity, dielectric number and fault influence of the non-pairwise data were compared with the cancer group, and the corresponding gene sequencing was obtained according to the difference of the three parameters in the two networks. The Borda algorithm and Max-Diff algorithm in social choice theory are used for sorting aggregation. The results show that the final sequencing obtained by the two algorithms is almost the same, and 8 key disease genes are obtained in the first 15 genes of the final sequencing. This shows that both Borda algorithm and Max-Diff algorithm are suitable for the selection of key genes. In addition, another sequence aggregation Footrule algorithm is verified on a small scale. The results show that the Footrule algorithm pays too much attention to the overall sequencing and ignores individual genes. Therefore, Footrule algorithm is not suitable for the selection of key genes. The structural analysis of the above gene network and the selection of key genes can help us to analyze the causes and genes of gene-related diseases (such as cancer), and have certain reference value for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
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