[Abstract]:[background] SLC33A1 (Solute carrier family33, member1) is a gene found in the study of gangliosides O-acetylation, which is located on human chromosome 3q25. because it can transport acetylcoenzyme A from cytoplasm to Gore matrix and provide acetylgroup for gangliosides O-acetylation, it is also known as AT-1 (the acetyl-Co A transporter1). It has been found that many endoplasmic reticulum proteins can be regulated by SLC33A1, including 尾-site APP cleaving enzyme1, BACE1. Starch protein precursor (amyloid protein precursor, APP) and low density lipoprotein receptor (low density lipoprotein receptor, LDLR), these proteins play an important role in the assembly of membrane structure and the transport of secretory proteins after translation modification. If the expression of SLC33A1 is abnormal, it will cause a series of nervous system related diseases, such as sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS), late onset Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease, AD) and so on. In 2008, our laboratory found a genetic spastic paraplegia (hereditary spastic paraplegia, HSP) family in Qingdao, Shandong Province, showing autosomal dominant inheritance. The whole genome scanning method and localization candidate strategy were used to determine that human SLC33A1 gene was the pathogenic gene of the pedigree. All the patients carried S113R missense mutation, and the mutation was not detected in normal individuals and populations in the family. Zebrafish experiments showed that inhibition of slc33al gene expression in zebrafish affected axonal growth of motor neurons, which could be saved by human wild type SLC33A1 gene but not by mutant. From the above studies, it can be seen that SLC33A1 is very important to maintain the "normal function of neurons, but the mechanism of HSP caused by abnormal expression of SLC33A1 is not clear. Therefore, it is necessary to further study and explore the function and mechanism of SLC33A1 protein. [objective] to detect the effect of SLC33A1 mutation on the phenotype of mice by constructing the mouse model of slc33al mutant gene knockout in order to explore the function of SLC33A1. [methods] the mouse model of slc33al mutant gene knockout was established, and the heterozygote and heterozygote of Slc33al mutant gene knockout mice were mated to detect whether the genotype of the offspring mice was in accordance with the expected segregation ratio. If the homozygotic neonatal mice could not be obtained, suggesting that the homozygotic mice died in the embryonic stage, the fetal mice (E3.5, E7.5, E18.5) were isolated from the pregnant mice mated with heterozygote and dissected. The genotyping of the fetal mice was identified by simple PCR amplification and PCR-RFLP. According to the genotypic identification and typing of embryos at each developmental stage, the lethal time of homozygous mice was determined. [results] the mouse model of slc33a1 mutant gene knockout was successfully constructed. The results of genotypic analysis of gametophyte generation in heterozygous mice showed that the expected proportion of heterozygotes could be obtained, but the homozygotic mice could not be obtained, suggesting that the embryo death of homozygous mice. By dissecting the heterozygotic pregnant mice mated with heterozygous male mice, the E7.5 and E18.5 embryos had no homozygote, and a small amount of homozygote survived in E3.5 embryos. [conclusion] SLC33A1 gene mutation leads to early embryo death in homozygous mice. SLC33A1 plays a very important role in early embryonic development.
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