[Abstract]:Objective: To investigate the relationship between the apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) gene rs662799, rs2075291 and rs3135507 polymorphism sites and the degree of coronary artery stenosis in patients with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease (CHD) in Chinese Han population. Methods: selected Affiliated Hospital of Chuanbei Medical College from April 2014 to July 2015, the clinical suspected diagnosis was CHD and Patients who were hospitalized with coronary angiography were diagnosed with at least one of the main coronary branches of at least 50% of the main coronary artery stenosis to CHD, as group CHD; normal coronary arteries, coronary atherosclerotic and mild coronary stenosis (less than 50%) were classified as non CHD controls. Polymerase chain reaction was used. Rs2075291, rs3135507, and rs662799 polymorphisms of all the participants were typed by the strain restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Hypertension, diabetes, body mass index (BMI), triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and fat loaded eggs were obtained by physiological and biochemical tests. Clinical data such as white B100 (APOB100) and apolipoprotein AI (APOAI), and the ratio of TG/HDL-C, TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C, and APOB100/APOAI were calculated. The degree of coronary stenosis in CHD patients was evaluated by Gensini score, and the difference of blood lipid level and coronal narrowing between different genotypes was compared. Results: 1. included rs2075291 and rs3135507. Among the 476 subjects of state classification, 324 patients were diagnosed with CHD by coronary angiography, of which 204 were male, the average age was (64.74 + 9.42) years, and 120 cases were female, the average age was (64.55 + 8.31) years old. The average age was 81, the average age (60.12 + 12.41) years, female 71, and the average age of.Chd group was high blood. TG, TC, apoB100, tg/hdl-c, tc/hdl-c, ldl-c/hdl-c and apob100/apoai were higher than those in the control group, and the levels of HDL-C and apoAI were lower than those in the control group (P0.05). The genotype of apoa5rs2075291 polymorphic loci in the two groups were all similar to GG type. The allele frequency distribution of the allele is G allele because of the main allele, and the C allele is secondary allele.Chd and non CHD group. The apoa5rs3135507 polymorphism loci are common in GG type, followed by GA type, and the AA type is rare, and the frequency of G allele is higher than that of.Rs2075291 and rs3135507 polymorphism of a allele. There was no significant difference in the distribution frequency between the CHD group and the control group. In the control group, the rs2075291 polymorphic GT genotype TG, tg/hdl-c and tc/hdl-c levels were higher than the GG genotypes, and the levels of HDL-C and apoAI were lower than the GG genotypes, and the differences were statistically significant (P0.05). C/hdl-c was higher than GG genotype, and HDL-C was lower than GG genotype, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). There was no significant difference in the level of blood lipid between the rs3135507 polymorphism and the control group and the CHD group. In CHD group, there was no significant difference in Gensini score between rs2075291 and rs3135507 polymorphism genotypes. 799 of the 478 cases of polymorphic typing, 325 cases were CHD, of which 205 were male, average age (64.63 + 9.51), women 120, average age (64.48 + 8.30) years old and 153 non CHD controls, among them, 81, average age (59.88 + 12.58) years, female 72, average age (apoa5rs662799) age. The loci genotypes were all TT type, followed by TC type, and the CC type was rare. The allele frequency distribution of the allele was T allele because of the main allele, and the C allele was secondary allele. The serum TG/HDL-C level of the secondary allele C carriers in the female control group was significantly higher than that of the TT homozygote, and the HDL-C level was significantly lower than the TT genotype individual. The difference was statistically significant (P0.05); in the CHD patients, the C allele carriers of the male group were TG, the TG/HDL-C level was higher than those of the TT genotypes, and the serum TG, TG/HDL-C, TC/HDL-C, APOB/APOAI levels of the C allele carriers in the female population were higher than those of the TT genotypes. The differences were statistically significant. Group rs662799 polymorphism CC, TC genotype distribution and C allele frequency were higher than normal group, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). In female CHD patients, the frequency of C allele carriers and the frequency of C allele increased with the Gensini score (P0.05). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that hypertension, TC, LDL-C, were corrected. After the potential risk factors of coronary heart disease, the rs662799 gene polymorphism in female CHD patients was significantly correlated with Gensini score (Beta=0.157,95CI:0.017-0.298, P=0.028). Conclusion: in Chinese Han population, the APOA5 rs2075291 locus is associated with the increase of plasma TG and the decrease of HDL-C, but it is associated with the risk of CHD and the degree of coronary stenosis in CHD patients. No significant correlation was found; there was no significant correlation between APOA5 rs3135507 loci and plasma lipid levels and CHD. APOA5 rs662799 polymorphism in women significantly affected blood lipid levels, and was associated with the degree of coronary stenosis in CHD.
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