本文关键词:高中生英语写作批判性思维能力的调查研究 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Critical thinking is a purposeful self - Calibration and self - judgment, including introspection, induction, generalization, hypothesis, reasoning, evaluation and other skills. In Chinese traditional English teaching, the cultivation of students' critical thinking ability is relatively deficient. Especially in English teaching, most teachers focus on the instillation of grammatical knowledge and writing skills, ignoring the cultivation of students' thinking ability. In the field of two language acquisition, many scholars in China have discussed the critical thinking of foreign language learners, but empirical research is still limited. This study investigates the current situation of critical thinking ability of high school students, and explores whether the foreign language learners in secondary schools possess critical thinking ability and its degree and level, hoping to provide inspiration and suggestions for the cultivation of high school students' critical thinking ability and English teaching. This study from the perspective of students' English writing of senior high school students, critical thinking ability, discusses the following problems: (1) in English writing, or to reflect the critical thinking contained in the dimension of high school students? (2) the critical thinking ability of high school students at what level? (3) in English writing, what is influence factors of critical thinking? This study was divided into three stages to investigate 235 senior high school students' critical thinking ability. First, a questionnaire about critical thinking ability in two language writing is used to investigate the critical thinking ability of the subjects. Stapleton is used to investigate the critical thinking ability of the subjects, and SPSS13.0 is used to make descriptive statistics on the results of the questionnaires, so as to examine whether the students have critical thinking. After that, students' writing samples were collected, and three teachers were defined according to the four dimensions of critical thinking, and the number of the arguments contained in the text was defined, and descriptive statistics was used to examine their critical thinking level. Through the analysis of the text of the students' composition, the factors that affect the critical thinking of the students are investigated. Finally, students were sorted according to the level of writing from high to low, and they were divided into four groups: "sufficient argument, deep", "sufficient argument, lack of depth", "insufficient argument, lack of depth", "lack of argument and lack of depth". Five students were interviewed randomly from each group to examine the attitude of the students to others and their views. The results show that: (1) high school students have critical thinking in English writing and have their own ideas in the process of writing. (2) the critical thinking ability of high school students is generally at the middle level. (3) the degree of familiarity of the topic is an important factor affecting the critical thinking of the students. The number of arguments a student puts forward on a familiar topic is often more than unfamiliar. Personal experience is an important source of argument in students' English writing.
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