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发布时间:2017-12-31 06:33

  本文关键词:上海市中小学戏剧教育现状调研报告 出处:《上海师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中小学 戏剧教育 义务教育 综合素质

[Abstract]:This paper through the use of questionnaires, interview transcripts and practical investigation, drama education in elementary and secondary schools in Shanghai at the present stage of the development condition of study of comprehensive investigation. Questionnaires and interviews mainly for students, teachers, parents and relevant experts and scholars and the overall situation, and strive to fully play in primary and secondary school in Shanghai make a comprehensive care education; practice study is aiming at Shanghai world foreign language middle school, research a case study of Shanghai city and Shanghai City Health School Jun Lian foreign language school has done, setting, teaching content, the course of drama education teacher training, appearance and other aspects of the analysis of the audience in the theatre education in primary school make a display system. Through a comprehensive investigation and analysis, can be obtained at present stage performance of drama education in primary and secondary schools in Shanghai: the general support of the community, the needs of teachers and students enthusiastically, but drama Education is slow, lack of teachers, teaching mode needs to be improved. At the same time, the author carried out in view of the above situation at the present stage of drama education, try to put forward countermeasures for future Shanghai City Schools Drama Education, is willing to promote the art of drama appeals and efforts in the elementary and middle schools all-round development. This paper will be divided into six to carry out this chapter. The first chapter, determine the relevant concept of drama education and research category, definition, inclusion drama, drama education in the western development program planning and the related literature review of drama education, drama education and drama education concept comparison; the second chapter is the author in Shanghai middle and Primary School of drama education is carried out questionnaires and interviews analysis of overall arrangement in Shanghai at the present stage drama of primary and secondary education from primary data carried out; the third chapter, mainly for three different types of The school drama education pilot to carry out field research, to the drama education in primary and secondary schools have not carried out the drama education, drama education curriculum system is perfect, and "textbook drama" three kinds of drama education form, the three current development mode of Shanghai city schools for the author to drama education first from the perspective of practice and analysis of direction provides actual confirmation in full; the fourth chapter, starting from the research material, summarize the existing theory of drama education in primary and secondary schools in Shanghai's advantages and disadvantages; the fifth chapter, put forward reasonable scheme of drama teaching and the urgent need to solve, make his own contribution to the popularization of popular development Shanghai City Schools Drama Education; the sixth chapter, conclusion and prospect.



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