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发布时间:2017-12-31 06:20

  本文关键词:农村中学理科实验教学的现状研究 出处:《湖南大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 农村中学 理科 实验教学 科学素养

[Abstract]:With the development of the times, scientific literacy has become an important factor to measure the comprehensive national strength, experimental teaching is to cultivate students' scientific literacy curriculum has attracted more and more attention. The new curriculum standard of middle school science are put forward, "we should pay attention to the students' lifelong learning desire, ability of scientific research, cultivation of innovative consciousness and scientific spirit." the scientific inquiry will be included in the curriculum content, learning to focus from too much emphasis on the inheritance and accumulation of knowledge to the knowledge of the inquiry process. Therefore, science experiment teaching can guide students in inquiry activities, improve their ability to better cultivate innovative talents required by the state. However, affected by the examination of "command stick with the unbalanced development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas and other factors, the current situation of experimental teaching in rural areas is worrying. This paper selects Changsha rural areas for middle school As the research object, through the questionnaire, and the rural middle school experimental teaching management, the science teachers and technicians, talk to students, and in-depth classroom lectures, contrast teaching experiment teaching and students hands-on experiments in different case to collect and collate information, to understand the Rural Middle School Science (Physics, chemistry, biological experiment teaching) carried out in this paper. The results of the survey are analyzed deeply, existing problems of rural science experimental teaching. By the process of urbanization, and at all levels is not paid enough attention to the construction of rural secondary school science laboratory and the new curriculum requirements as well as the gap between the rural middle school; lack of professional technicians, professional level is not high the exchange between teachers, less level of experimental teachers are lacking; rural middle school teaching management is lack of scientific and meticulous operation rules, Shang Wuke The experimental teaching evaluation mechanism study; examination oriented education baton still play a role in the blind school exam, the experimental class said, hinder the all-round development of students and so on. Then, aiming at these problems, explore a feasible solution, put forward specific measures in four aspects: the responsibility to improve the experimental teaching status of multi linkage increase the input of funds, to update the experimental facilities, broaden faculty development path in order to reinforce the professional quality, standardized system process to implement scientific management, improve the rural middle school science experiment teaching present situation, the development gap between urban and rural areas and small shrinkage, improve students' scientific literacy.



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