本文关键词:新课改背景下河南中小学美术教师角色转变的研究 出处:《信阳师范学院》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The implementation and development of the new art curriculum reform is directly related to the major changes in the quality and teaching concept of fine arts teaching in primary and secondary schools in China. And the professional role of art teachers in primary and secondary schools is also constantly improving. Art teachers in primary and secondary schools as the leader of basic art education. The professional role of teachers will directly affect the enthusiasm of students to learn art and the quality of learning, therefore, in the wave of continuous reform of art education at home and abroad. Art teachers in primary and secondary schools should change their roles in time to adapt to the development of the new curriculum reform. Primary school is the first turning point in life, requiring primary school art teachers to pay attention to: to "release" and "let" as a means. Enable students to develop the habit of autonomous learning slowly; With "interest" as the method, through the variety of interesting teaching methods to enhance the interest in learning; Regarding "love" as the foundation stone, the influence student, promotes the personality development. Aimed at the puberty transformation junior high school student, the fine arts teacher must unceasingly enrich own cultural knowledge and the fine arts accomplishment; Master a variety of teaching strategies and methods to meet the needs of teaching and learning; Using modern information technology to enhance the interest of teaching; Therefore, the art teacher first plays the role of cultural communicator to transfer art knowledge and skills to the students, the condition is that "there is a sequence of listening to the Tao". In the teaching of knowledge and information, teachers are the bridge from known to unknown, in the teaching of emotion, attitude and values. Teachers play a major role as role models. Art teachers should pay attention to the change of their own roles. To adapt to the new development and requirements of art education in primary and secondary schools. This paper from four aspects of research: one introduction. Summary of the origin, background, theoretical value and application value of the paper. Make clear the direction of the research. Second, study the status quo of the professional development of art teachers in primary and secondary schools and analyze the three practical problems encountered in the development, put forward the requirements. Four new curriculum reform under the role of art teachers in primary and secondary schools to change the effective way. The fifth conclusion emphasizes the rational influence of the transformation of the role of art teachers and the development of re-cultivation of specialization on the art education in primary and secondary schools.
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