本文关键词:武汉地区城乡中小学生身体素质的比较研究 出处:《武汉体育学院》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 武汉地区 城市户口中小学生 农村户口中小学生 身体素质 比较研究
[Abstract]:"Social development is people-oriented, human development based on health". With the progress of society, health issues become more important. Students are the future of the physical condition of a man of tremendous promise the motherland, they are directly related to the national prosperity and the prosperity of the country. Through the comparative analysis of the area of Wuhan City Jiang'an District primary and middle school students' accounts and Jiangxia District Rural Hukou students physical quality test results, to understand physical condition of primary and middle school students in Wuhan area, to provide objective and scientific theoretical basis for the effective level of their physical quality. This paper adopts experimental method, literature method, survey method, test results of physical qualities of primary and middle school students in Wuhan area based on the school. From the difference of students' physical quality, family and students' personal factors were compared and studied. By studying the following conclusions: the area of Wuhan City There is a big difference between the physical qualities of primary and middle school students in the township, mainly reflecting the boy's arms strength pull up girls and reflect the explosive force of the lower limbs of rural primary and middle school students in good standing long jump in the city primary school students, rural students' endurance quality is better than the students in the city; city students flexibility quality in rural primary and middle schools girls. And overall, Wuhan city urban and rural primary and middle school students' physical quality situation is not optimistic, some indicators of students' physical quality is weak, because the pressure of school is too large, the resources of the school, family and other causes of students' physical quality is not well protected, lifestyle and other factors of students is also the cause of the decline in physical fitness. I through the main influence on the physical quality of the pupils in Wuhan the difference factors survey results are summarized, the following conclusions: first, urban and rural areas The teaching of physical education in primary and secondary school students of the phenomenon is not standardized, extracurricular sports activities and activities, facilities and other aspects of school physical education is one of the reasons leading to the difference of physical qualities of primary and middle school students in urban and rural areas; two, family structure in urban and rural areas only, parents of students sports attitude and other factors is another reason affect the physical qualities of primary and middle school students urban and rural difference; three of the students' physical exercise ideas, hobbies and extracurricular time arrangements directly affect the physical qualities of primary and middle school students in urban and rural areas of difference. In this regard, put forward to improve the awareness of students' physical education, actively develop extracurricular sports activities, to create a healthy sports atmosphere, increase of physical education resources capital investment, to strengthen the physical training propaganda, improve parents and students understanding of sports and so on.
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