本文关键词: 中学作文教学 语境 合作原则 礼貌原则 出处:《湖南师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:For a long time, there are many problems in composition teaching in middle schools. On the one hand, composition teaching in middle schools always points to examination-oriented teaching. In ordinary teaching, special attention is paid to the training of composition techniques and techniques. On the other hand, the guiding theory of composition teaching fluctuates with the political ideology, although in the new century, the theory of composition quality education, the theory of composition practice activity, the theory of composition personality, etc. The theories of communicative context composition teaching are various, but there is no relatively stable guiding theory. The author holds that pragmatic theory, as an important theory of linguistic category, has its context theory, politeness principle, and so on. The principle of cooperation is in accord with the goal of composition teaching in middle school. Using pragmatic theory to guide composition teaching in middle school can achieve the goal of composition teaching in middle school and greatly improve the composition ability of middle school students. The method of combining theoretical induction with work analysis aims to analyze the present situation of composition teaching in middle schools, and to explore the restoration and return of pragmatic objectives of composition teaching in middle schools from the aspects of theory and practice. The text is divided into four chapters. The main contents of each part are as follows: the introduction explains the background of the topic and the origin of the writing, and discusses the theoretical and practical significance of this paper. Literature review is also given on the relevant studies of pragmatics in Chinese teaching and pragmatics in composition teaching in middle schools. The first chapter is the value goal and the present situation reflection of the composition teaching in middle school. This chapter mainly discusses the value goal of the middle school Chinese and the composition of the middle school. This paper points out the present situation of composition teaching in middle schools and reflects on it. The second chapter discusses the feasibility of using pragmatic theory to guide composition teaching in middle schools. This part discusses the main research contents and basic theories of pragmatics, as well as the contextual principles of pragmatics theory. The third chapter is about how to use the pragmatic theory to guide the middle school composition teaching process. This part mainly discusses how to use the context theory in the pragmatics theory. The politeness principle and the cooperation principle guide the proposition, instruction, correction and evaluation of the composition teaching in middle school, so that the process of composition teaching in middle school is guided by the theory of pragmatics. This part mainly discusses how to use the context theory and politeness principle in the pragmatic theory. The principles of cooperation guide the writing of narrative, argumentative and practical writing in middle school compositions, so that students can write in various styles under the guidance of pragmatics theory. The conclusion part summarizes and explains the viewpoints and expositions of this paper, and also recognizes the heavy and complex task of composition teaching in middle schools. It is pointed out that the study on guiding middle school composition teaching by pragmatic theory is relatively weak and has broad research space. The basic conclusion of this paper is that in middle school composition teaching propositions cannot be separated from the guidance of context theory. Each process of teaching and writing of various styles can not be separated from the guidance of the principles of cooperation and politeness. Combining with these theories of pragmatics, it is necessary to change the present situation of composition teaching in middle schools. An important way to improve students' writing ability.
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