本文关键词: 比较能力 微视频 中学地理 地理教学 出处:《福建师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Mainly focus on imparting knowledge of middle school geography textbooks of traditional geography teaching, in the teaching process, geographical knowledge system, and to train students' geographical thinking ability is not clear, to the class teacher based teaching, students' subjective initiative is limited. Actively promoting the cultivation of students' thinking ability and education planning curriculum standards the use of new technology and actively promote education means, based on the development of new technology training of middle school geography thinking ability and inquiry should spare no effort to expand. A part of the micro video development topic of this paper belongs to the series of thinking ability of middle school students. The comparison ability is an important part of the logical thinking ability, the use of micro video as a carrier of culture comparison of the ability of the students, not only can improve the effectiveness of high school geography teaching, but also conducive to improving the core literacy of students of geography. The author of the first. The significance and value of inquiry, combined with the middle school geography teaching theory, demand analysis, after the middle school geography teaching can be used in comparative analysis of the content of the arrangement, with the micro video carrier culture ability, research on the class presentation platform, combined with the current WeChat public service platform, micro video sharing resources, cultivate students' ability of comparative analysis, and finally make a summary and outlook of this study. The author uses the method of literature, comparative method, case study method, the micro video applications based on the ability of the students to explore. The main innovative research in the basic ability in showing more than fully tap the middle school geography in the teaching of related geographic knowledge can use comparative teaching method, then the WeChat public platform as an example, application platform of micro video inquiry, at the same time This paper puts forward some suggestions on combining new information technology with geography teaching in middle school for the geography teachers of high school.
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