本文选题:跨文化意识 切入点:跨文化教学 出处:《浙江师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In China, English, as a major foreign language, is an important tool for people to understand the world. For a long time, English teaching in basic education in China has focused on the teaching of language form and knowledge structure, while neglecting cross-cultural teaching. More attention has been paid to their professional identity as "English skills imitators", "English course implementers", However, ignoring their special cultural identity and their special cultural demands compared with other subjects, English teachers themselves lack the awareness of interlingual cultural interaction, which not only leads to the weakness of students' communicative competence in the comprehensive use of language. Language communication barriers in actual situations may affect students' proper understanding of the cultural differences between foreign languages and their mother tongues. This study is based on the perspective of cross-cultural awareness development and uses qualitative research methods. In order to reveal the development of English teachers' cross-cultural consciousness in daily teaching, two senior English teachers were studied in this paper. The main contents of this study are as follows: the first part introduces the background of the research, the purpose and significance of the research, and the definition of the relevant core concepts. The second part is the implementation of the research, mainly the selection of research methods, the selection of research objects. The third part is the main part of the study, the author through interviews, classroom observation, after-school observation and other ways, from the level of cultural acceptance. From the three aspects of the level of cultural adaptation and the level of cultural integration, the author describes in detail the presentation of cross-cultural awareness and the implementation of cross-cultural teaching in the real teaching situation of English teachers. At the same time, the author aims at the above contents. On the one hand, from the subjective factors of English teachers, including teachers' educational experience and work experience; on the other hand, from the impact of objective factors, such as students, colleagues, leadership and social environment, on teachers' cross-cultural development. This paper analyzes the causes of teachers' cross-cultural teaching dilemma. Part 4th is the inspiration of the research. This part mainly starts from the teachers themselves and puts forward the direction of their efforts. The aim is to provide strategies and suggestions for English teachers to get out of the cross-cultural consciousness and their teaching dilemma. That is, teachers should renew their ideas, establish a correct view of language and culture, understand cultural contradictions and establish cultural self-confidence, and at the same time, be close to their students. The 5th part is the reflection and prospect of the research. The author analyzes the validity of the conclusions, the defects and the shortcomings of the research. The influence factors of English teachers' cross-cultural consciousness and the representativeness of the research conclusions are discussed in this paper.
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