本文选题:模糊容忍度 切入点:听力水平 出处:《山西师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As one of the commonly used language skills, listening plays an important role in daily communication and foreign language learning. It is well known that in the process of English learning, unfamiliar grammatical structures, pronunciation, vocabulary, common sentence patterns and oral expressions, fixed collocations, strange thinking patterns and behavior habits are common. The intrinsic values can all become ambiguous factors. The English listening comprehension itself is a process in which there is a great deal of ambiguity. The difficulty of listening is that listening has a great deal of uncertainty compared with the other three language skills. You can only hear sounds, you can't see words, which requires students to be highly focused. These uncertainties increase the difficulty of understanding and easily cause students' anxiety. Different learners have different views on language vagueness and their understanding of fuzzy language. The processing process and the degree of tolerance are also different. This is closely related to the learner's own fuzzy tolerance. Fuzzy tolerance, as a learning style, Different learners have different degrees of fuzzy tolerance. In recent years, many scholars at home and abroad have begun to study the correlation between fuzzy tolerance and language learning and reading ability. However, there are few studies on the correlation between fuzzy tolerance and listening ability, especially among junior high school students. Therefore, this thesis will study the correlation between fuzzy tolerance and listening ability of junior high school students. This thesis mainly answers the following questions: 1) what is the degree of fuzzy tolerance and English listening proficiency of junior high school students? What is the difference between boys and girls? (2) what is the correlation between fuzzy tolerance and listening proficiency of junior high school students? (3) what are the differences in the use of listening strategies among students with different degrees of fuzzy tolerance? Ninety-five junior high school students, all from a county junior high school in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, took part in the survey, including 51 girls and 44 boys. In the course of the survey, In order to ensure the reliability and validity, the author used the listening part of the Hebei Middle School examination paper in 2015 as the test paper. The paper was analyzed by SPSS software. The results show that both boys and girls have a certain degree of fuzzy tolerance. There is no significant difference in fuzzy tolerance between boys and girls. However, the level of hearing of girls is significantly higher than that of boys. Both boys and girls showed a significant positive correlation between fuzzy tolerance and listening level. Junior three students said they would consciously adopt listening strategies in the listening process. The most commonly used listening strategies were metacognitive strategies, followed by cognitive strategies. Emotional and social strategies were used less. But students with different degrees of fuzzy tolerance were able to use listening strategies with different emphases. Students with high fuzzy tolerance applied self-planning and self-management. Reasoning and transformation strategies were more than those with moderate and low fuzzy tolerance, while those with low fuzzy tolerance were better at using self-monitoring and affective strategies than those with high fuzzy tolerance. Junior middle school students with middle fuzzy tolerance can choose listening strategies more flexibly, and maintaining middle level fuzzy tolerance is more beneficial to English learning.
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