本文选题:高中生物 切入点:教师教学研究 出处:《华中师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The requirements of teachers in each period are not fixed, teachers will be abandoned by the times if they are conformist.In this ever-changing era, people are constantly exploring better forms and methods, such as "cooperative learning", "inquiry learning", "micro-course making", "flipping classroom", and so on, in order to improve the quality of students.The aim of raising the level of teaching.With the continuous reform of basic education, teachers also need to follow the trend of reform and strive to promote and improve the individual.At the same time, teachers pay more and more attention to teaching research, and "scientific research" has gradually become the consensus of primary and secondary schools, which provides a favorable guarantee for teachers to carry out research.As the main body of teaching research, teachers have unique advantages, which can not be replaced by other educational researchers.There are a large number of teachers, the work is to carry out teaching work, is the combination of theory and practice of the operator, has a deeper understanding of the problem.Therefore, research teachers who can explore and update teaching methods are the inevitable trend in the future.In this paper, some senior high school biology teachers in the form of a questionnaire in the study of the existing problems, the questionnaire mainly from the teachers' research consciousness, research ability and the understanding of scientific inquiry thought of three aspects of the survey.The survey results show that some teachers do not realize the importance of teaching research, and even think that teaching research is not a teacher's business.(2) most teachers still have more than enough energy to carry out teaching research, and most teachers can master the idea of scientific inquiry very well in the face of teaching research.And can be applied to the teaching process of inquiry teaching.According to the above investigation results, this paper attempts to link the scientific inquiry thought to the teaching research process, and use the teachers' familiar scientific inquiry thought to guide the development of the teaching research, and form a template that can sort out the teaching research ideas.At the same time, in order to explain more clearly how the scientific inquiry thought can guide the development of teaching and research, the author makes use of the experience of teaching in the front line and gives an example of how to carry out the "flip classroom" teaching.It is expected that more front-line teachers can understand teaching research deeply, master certain teaching research methods, and apply them to the normal teaching process to find teaching problems and improve teaching effect.
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