本文选题:信息素养 切入点:初中信息技术 出处:《渤海大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The improvement of information literacy is the fundamental goal of information technology curriculum and the final basis of evaluating students' information technology mastery.However, information literacy is an abstract concept.People's understanding of the connotation and concrete composition of information literacy is gradually deepening. The promulgation of "Chinese students' Development Core Literacy" provides us with a reference framework for further analysis of the structure of information literacy.It is necessary for us to comb the research literature on information literacy on the basis of the framework of "core literacy", and to reflect on the connotation of information literacy of Chinese students in the current context.And then reflect on some problems in the course of information technology teaching: what should information literacy be?What is the structure of information literacy?Is our teaching very good to cultivate the information literacy of students?Does the academic evaluation in teaching reflect the requirements of information literacy and is it beneficial to the development of students' information literacy?On the basis of literature research, we find that information literacy mainly includes three dimensions, specifically information knowledge, information skills and information awareness. The discussion of information literacy in this study is based on these three dimensions.But different from the original dimension, it is mainly the complex composition of information consciousness. On the basis of the past, it pays close attention to students' behavior, students' enthusiasm, initiative, etc., so they develop it into knowledge understanding, knowledge application, etc.Skills acquisition, problem solving, Task implementation, Personality Development, Learning attitude, creativity stimulation, Cooperation and Evaluation, Technology use, Ethics and values.At present, the information technology curriculum in junior high school has not been included in the subject of secondary examination, and academic evaluation has become one of the important means to diagnose whether students meet the requirements of information literacy. According to the investigation and research on the current situation of academic evaluation of information technology curriculum, it is found that,The teaching evaluation implemented at present has some phenomena, such as the single evaluation subject, the unsatisfactory effect and the failure to reflect the information literacy of the students.Based on the detailed analysis of the data and results of the current academic evaluation of IT courses, this study summarizes the practical problems and the necessity of formulating new evaluation methods.Under the framework of authenticity evaluation theory, multiple intelligences theory and subjectivity theory, a theoretical model of "IT curriculum academic evaluation based on information literacy" is constructed to solve these problems.According to the characteristics of information technology and the requirements of information literacy, the corresponding evaluation indexes and scales are formulated, and the corresponding evaluation indexes and scales are worked out with many first-line teachers, and the consensus is reached, and the weight of each item index is formulated by using the yaahp software for hierarchical analysis.Then carry out practical research.The feasibility and effectiveness of using the evaluation method described in this study in teaching are explained through specific experiments, and the practical effect of developing and improving students' information literacy and the relevant reflection in its application are also discussed.
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