本文选题:迁移 切入点:学习迁移 出处:《扬州大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:国际21世纪教育委员会的报告《教育~财富蕴藏其中》曾提出面对未来社会发展的四种基本要求之一是学会认知(learning to know)。如果说学会认知是学校教学的最重要目标,那么,学习迁移理论在教学中的使用就是我们实现这一目标的可靠保障。许多教育心理学家提出教学要“为迁移而教”,足见学习迁移规律在教学中的重要性,那么将学习迁移规律应用于教学之中,我们首先应对学生的迁移能力进行一个调查。针对这一情况,本文旨在调查初中生数学迁移能力状况并在此基础上探究如何利用迁移理论去设计教学案例,以此促进学生顺利的掌握所学习的内容,并能形成较好的迁移效果。本文的主要内容如下:首先从理论上阐述了学习迁移的意义、学习迁移的分类,介绍了几种经典的迁移理论,进一步阐述了数学迁移理论的概念,并对影响迁移的因素进行了深入地分析。其次,对学生的迁移能力情况进行了问卷调查,重点讨论相同要素说、建构主义迁移观及类比迁移理论在数学教学中的运用。通过问卷调查,来初步了解初中生在数学知识迁移方面的情况。得到初步的结论是:从性别方面来看,学生之间的差异是男生与女生在数学迁移规律使用上存在显著性差异,男生数学迁移现状整理上较好于女生,造成这种差异的原因可能是男生比女生更加偏爱数学,在数学上投入的时间和精力多;从不同班级来看,学生迁移规律使用情况可以发现,重点班学生的迁移规律使用优于普通班的学生。接着本研究通过问卷测试,以涵盖新旧知识题型和不同样例为测试内容,考察了两个问题。问题一,考察学生在新旧知识上的迁移能力有无差异性。结果表明:学生整体在新旧知识迁移上表现出很大的差异,在旧知识方面相对比较容易迁移;学优生、学困生的迁移能力没有显示出很大的差异;问题二,考察样例类型对学生的迁移能力的高低有无影响。结果表明,样例的类型对不同成绩水平的学生是有影响的。无论学生成绩如何,基于过程样例学习后的近迁移成绩高于基于结果样例学习后的效果,说明在教学过程中教师要注重样例的呈现形式来促进教学。上述研究结果表明,中学数学学习迁移现状不容乐观,中学数学教师必须高度重视教学的有效性问题。为此,教师必须注重知识教学中的纵向和横向组织,注重教材的呈现形式,这样才有利于学生的认知结构的的形成和概括水平的提升。论文提出了促进迁移的有效教学策略是:揭示前后知识相同要素策略、先行组织者策略、有效采用类比联想策略。基于这些教学策略,笔者进一步给出了一个教学设计案例。
[Abstract]:The report of the International Commission of Education in the 21st Century, "Education ~ Wealth", has put forward that one of the four basic requirements for the future social development is to learn to know.If learning to recognize is the most important goal of school teaching, then the use of learning transfer theory in teaching is the reliable guarantee for us to achieve this goal.Many educational psychologists have proposed that teaching should be "taught for the sake of transfer", which shows the importance of the law of learning transfer in teaching. Therefore, if we apply the law of learning transfer to teaching, we should first investigate the students' transfer ability.In view of this situation, this paper aims to investigate the mathematics transfer ability of junior high school students and, on this basis, to explore how to use transfer theory to design teaching cases, so as to promote the students to grasp the contents of the study smoothly.And can form a better migration effect.The main contents of this paper are as follows: firstly, the significance of learning transfer, the classification of learning transfer, several classical transfer theories are introduced, and the concept of mathematical transfer theory is further expounded.The factors affecting migration are also analyzed in depth.Secondly, the author makes a questionnaire survey on the students' transfer ability, focusing on the application of the same element theory, constructivism transfer theory and analogical transfer theory in mathematics teaching.Through the questionnaire, to understand the junior high school students in the transfer of mathematical knowledge.The preliminary conclusions are as follows: from the gender point of view, the difference between boys and girls is that there are significant differences in the use of mathematical transfer laws between boys and girls, and the present situation of boys' mathematical transfer is better than that of girls.The reason for the difference may be that boys prefer mathematics more than girls, and invest more time and energy in mathematics. From different classes, the use of students' migration rules can be found.The transfer rule of the key class is better than that of the ordinary class.After that, this study examined two questions by questionnaire, including the new and old knowledge types and different examples.Question one, examine whether there is any difference in the transfer ability of students in old and new knowledge.The results show that the students as a whole show great differences in the transfer of new and old knowledge, and relatively easy to transfer the old knowledge; the transfer ability of the students with excellent learning and learning difficulties does not show great difference.To investigate whether the sample type has an effect on the students' transfer ability.The results show that the type of sample has an effect on students with different grades.Regardless of students' scores, the results of near-transfer after learning based on process samples are higher than those after learning based on results, which indicates that teachers should pay attention to the presentation of samples in the teaching process to promote teaching.The results show that the current situation of mathematics learning transfer in middle school is not optimistic, and the middle school mathematics teachers must attach great importance to the effectiveness of teaching.Therefore, teachers must pay attention to the vertical and horizontal organization of knowledge teaching, pay attention to the presentation of teaching materials, so as to facilitate the formation of students' cognitive structure and the promotion of their generalization level.The effective teaching strategies to promote the transfer are as follows: revealing the same elements of knowledge before and after, leading the organizer, and adopting the strategy of analogy association effectively.Based on these teaching strategies, the author gives a teaching design case.
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