本文选题:高中 + 文言文 ; 参考:《渤海大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Classical Chinese has a landmark value and significance in the development of Chinese culture, and plays an important role in cultural inheritance. Classical Chinese is not only a tool for students to understand the connotation of ancient culture, but also the only tool for learning ancient culture. In view of the fact that the teaching of classical Chinese in our country pays attention to the understanding of the words and articles of classical Chinese, and neglects the present situation of the structure and layout of the article, this study proposes to improve the students' ability to master the classical Chinese by reading it over and over again. According to the characteristics of classical Chinese in senior high school, the rules of reading aloud and the requirements of the Chinese Curriculum Standard of General Senior High School (experiment), This study analyzes the data of the questionnaire of classical Chinese reading teaching among all Chinese teachers and students in Haicheng Senior Middle School in Anshan City, Liaoning Province. From the point of view of teachers and students, this paper points out the problems of inflexible teaching methods and students' expressed wishes in the teaching of classical Chinese reading in senior high school, and analyzes the reasons for the problems. This paper puts forward the corresponding solutions from the three angles of interaction between students and teachers and students. These strategies can help to make full use of the teaching method of "reading aloud" in the classroom of classical Chinese in senior high school, thus arousing the enthusiasm of students to learn classical Chinese. Promote students to discover the formal beauty of classical Chinese, and improve students' Chinese literacy. In a word, the investigation and research on the teaching of classical Chinese reading in senior high school and the exploration of effective strategies in the teaching of classical Chinese reading in senior high school can help the students to recite, understand and appreciate the classical articles, and thus improve the students' Chinese literacy. Therefore, this study also provides some reference for the teaching practice of classical Chinese reading for high school Chinese teachers.
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