本文选题:长春市 + 第十九中学 ; 参考:《延边大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Classical Chinese has a history of more than three thousand years. As a tool for information transmission in ancient times, it records vast cultural classics and is the quintessence of Chinese culture. Contemporary middle school students want to understand Chinese characters and Chinese culture. You should learn and learn classical Chinese well. However, in practical learning, most students do not like to learn classical Chinese, and even put the classical Chinese into the first fear in the study of Chinese, which needs to analyze the reasons and put forward countermeasures. By means of questionnaire, interview, case analysis, reference to relevant literature and other methods, this paper takes 400 students and six Chinese teachers in the middle school department of Changchun Nineteenth Middle School as the objects of investigation. This paper studies the present situation of classical Chinese teaching in Changchun No. 19 Middle School. This paper finds out the achievements and problems in cultivating the students' classical Chinese writing ability in Changchun No. 19 Middle School, analyzes the causes of the problems, and puts forward some reasonable suggestions. I hope it will be helpful to the teaching of classical Chinese in the future. The investigation found that Changchun No. 19 Middle School pays attention to the cultivation of students' classical Chinese writing ability and creates a good learning atmosphere. In the corridor wall display board, there are classical Chinese language display areas in the classroom; attention is paid to the infiltration of disciplines. Teachers pay attention to self-improvement in teaching, learn from each other, seek advice from teachers in order to help students learn classical Chinese better, pay attention to the cultivation of students' classical Chinese ability, and adopt recitation competitions. Performance and other forms of training students' classical Chinese ability; pay attention to the organic combination of classical Chinese and real life, arouse students' interest in writing; teachers attach importance to accumulation and enhance the theoretical journal. Teachers in nineteen middle school know that the channels through which students obtain information are diverse. Will put forward a variety of questions, so Chinese teachers should set up the concept of lifelong learning, not only to enhance pedagogy, psychology, but also to attach importance to the accumulation of knowledge in all aspects, only in this way can students be taught well. Through the unremitting efforts of teachers for many years, Changchun No. 19 Middle School has made outstanding achievements in classical Chinese teaching. But the teaching process contacts after all is the subjective initiative person, the student has the individual difference, they in understanding the question, the analysis question, the solution question each aspect has the disparity, therefore inevitably will appear some problems. Students have a weak interest in learning classical Chinese, and they are afraid of evading emotions; in order to deal with the problem of rote memorization in the middle school examination, they copy mechanically and do not even understand it; the accumulation of knowledge in classical Chinese is insufficient, the actual words of classical Chinese are not well grasped, and the translation is arbitrary. It is easy to deviate from understanding the content of classical Chinese, and to acquire knowledge of classical Chinese is mostly passive acceptance and lack of initiative. Through discussions with front-line teachers, the following suggestions were put forward: students should strengthen their knowledge development and improve their interest in learning classical Chinese; combine teachers' teaching, strengthen their understanding of classical Chinese, learn to draw a lesson from one another, and increase the amount of extra-curricular reading of classical Chinese. Paying attention to the accumulation of knowledge, students should improve their own understanding in the study of classical Chinese, know the benefits of learning classical Chinese, and turn passive learning into active learning. Only when students' thoughts and actions are improved, the study of classical Chinese will achieve more gratifying results.
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