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发布时间:2018-06-11 15:05

  本文选题:初中物理 + 力学概念教学 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The physical concept reflects the essential characteristics of a certain kind of thing. It is formed by a lot of repeated practice and observation, by applying appropriate logical thinking, summarizing and summarizing the common features of a particular kind of things. The core problem of middle school physics teaching is to make students understand, form, and master physics. The concept and the law of physics develop their cognitive ability in this process. The physics concept teaching is still a new teaching field. The research results at home and abroad are not much, and the related research is also studied in theory. It lacks more comprehensive, systematic, attention to use and practical experience in the study of [1]. physical concept teaching. Learning is not a superficial requirement for students to memorize the literal content or expression of all physical concepts by reciting and title sea tactics, but by learning the connotation of the concept and learning the independent application on the basis of understanding the meaning. Teachers should use teaching strategies on the basis of guaranteeing the complete course of classroom teaching and teaching. With the combination of process and teaching strategy, the teaching effect is optimized. Based on the theory of educational psychology in physical concept teaching, this paper studies the present situation of physical and mechanical concept teaching at home and abroad by literature comprehensive method, questionnaire method, summary method, case analysis method and so on. In the investigation and analysis of the present situation of teaching, some suggestions are put forward. Through the questionnaire investigation of the junior middle school students and the first-line physics teachers, the existing problems in the teaching process of the concept of physical mechanics are analyzed, and the factors affecting the teaching effect of the physical and mechanical concepts are analyzed, and the influence of the former concept is introduced. The influence of students and teachers in three aspects. Then the strategy research on improving the teaching effect of physical mechanics concept is put forward, and the strategies of improving teaching methods are introduced from the teaching process of physics mechanics concept in junior middle school, the introduction method of physics concept teaching in junior middle school and the breakthrough method of the difficulties in the teaching of physics mechanics concept in junior middle school. The teaching mode of physics mechanics concept teaching in junior middle school is set up preliminarily. At last it is applied to practice, and three corresponding teaching cases of friction force, elastic force and buoyancy are introduced, and the result of practice is analyzed, and the conclusion is drawn. The study of the teaching process of physical concept and the teaching strategy of physical concept can help the teacher to be reasonable. Teaching can effectively improve the teaching quality of the physics concept class, promote the students to construct the concept, deepen the understanding and application of the concept, and raise the students' understanding of the concept, and also help to improve the students' interest in learning and the consciousness of active learning, which is beneficial to the all-round development of the students' knowledge, ability and emotion.


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