本文选题:鲁人版 + 翰林版 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文以山东人民出版社出版的《普通高中语文课程实验教科书·必修》(1 —5册)和翰林出版事业股份有限公司出版的《普通高级中学·国文》(1——6册)中的古代文学部分为研究立足点,从选文、助读和编排三个方面展开研究,选文是知识的载体,是学生学习古代知识的主要凭借,选文的质量在很大程度上影响教材的质量;助读内容是教材由“教本”向“学本”转化的桥梁,助读内容的质量会影响学生自学古代文学的程度;编排是教材编写智慧的外化,对选文和助读的不同编排,体现了不同教材编写观念和教育理念。本研究既包括对内在知识的分析也包括对外在形式的研究,既有相同内容的筛选也有不同内容的比较,期望通过本次研究了解两版教材古代文学方面的异同,以便为教材使用者提供一些参考价值。论文共有五个部分:第一部分:绪论。首先简单介绍两版教材的研究现状以及本文的研究意义,其次介绍本文的研究内容和研究方法,最后介绍本研究的创新点。第二部分,即第一章古代文学选文研究。本章分别从选文数量、篇幅,体裁、朝代和价值取向等方面比较分析,发现两版教材中古文占据数量优势,以短小篇幅为主;体裁类型丰富,以散文为主;由个人价值取向延展至其他取向,但“世界”价值取向缺失。第三部分,即第二章古代文学助读研究。选文的助读内容分别从课前、正文、课后三个维度展开对比研究。翰林版课前导读条理清晰,正文注释图文并茂,课后多应用性习题注重培养能力;鲁人版课前导读语言优美,正文注释以释句为主,课后习题注重方法指导。两版教材助读内容各有利弊,教材使用者可依据学情自主选择。第四部分,即第三章古代文学编排研究。本章立足前两章的研究内容,研究两版教材古代文学的选文和助读两部分在编排上的异同,同时分析两版教材中相同篇目和作者的编排区别。分析发现选文编排具有科学性特点,助读编排具有实用性特点。相同篇目和相同作者的作品在编排年级和学段上均有差别。第五部分,结语。总结两版教材在古代文学选文、助读和编排三方面的优势与不足,并针对各自的不足对教材编写者提出编写建议,对鲁人版教材的使用者提出使用建议。
[Abstract]:This article is based on the ancient literature part published by the people's Publishing House of the Shandong people's publishing house, "the experimental textbook of the Chinese language course of ordinary high school" (1 - 5) and the Limited by Share Ltd published by the publishing enterprise of Hanlin, which is published by the Limited by Share Ltd. The carrier is the main reason for students to learn ancient knowledge. The quality of the selected text affects the quality of the textbook to a great extent. The content of help reading is the bridge from "teaching book" to "learning book". The quality of the content will affect the students' self-study of ancient literature; the arrangement is the externalization of the wisdom of the compilation of the textbooks, and the selection and help reading. The same arrangement embodies different writing concepts and educational ideas. This study includes both the analysis of the internal knowledge and the study of the form, the selection of the same content and the comparison of the different contents. This study is expected to understand the similarities and differences of the ancient literature of the two edition of the textbook, so as to provide some reference for the teaching material users. There are five parts in the thesis: the first part: introduction. First, it introduces the research status of the two edition of the textbook and the significance of the study. Secondly, it introduces the contents and methods of this study, and finally introduces the innovation point of this study. The second part is the first chapter of the study of the ancient literary selection. This chapter is from the number, length, and body of the selected text. The comparison and analysis of the genre, Dynasty and the value orientation have found that the ancient texts in the two edition of the textbook occupy a number of advantages, mainly in short length, rich in genre and mainly in prose; the value orientation of the individual is extended to other orientations, but the value orientation of the "world" is missing. The third part, the second chapter of ancient literature research. From the pre class, the text, after class three dimensions to carry out a comparative study. It is clear before class, the text annotations are clear, the text annotations are lurid, the multi application exercises after class pay attention to the training ability; Lu people's pre class reading guide language is beautiful, text annotations are the main interpretation, after class exercise method guidance. The two edition of the teaching materials have advantages and disadvantages, teaching materials have advantages and pros and cons, material and pros and cons, teaching material each have advantages and pros and cons of the teaching material, teaching material has advantages and pros and cons of the textbook, teaching material has advantages and pros and cons of the textbook, material and teaching materials have advantages and pros and cons of the textbook, teaching materials have advantages and pros and cons of the textbook, material and teaching materials have advantages and pros and cons, teaching material each have advantages and pros and pros, material and pros and cons The fourth part, the third chapter, ancient literature arrangement research. Based on the research contents of the first two chapters, this chapter studies the similarities and differences between the two edition of the ancient literature and the two parts of the ancient literature, and analyzes the difference between the same contents and the writers in the two edition of the textbooks. The fifth part, conclusion, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the two edition of the text in the ancient literature, the help reading and the arrangement of the three aspects, and puts forward the suggestions to the author of the textbook compilers for their own shortcomings, and to the Lu people. The users of the edition of the textbook have proposed the use of suggestions.
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