本文选题:高中物理教科书 + 物理实验 ; 参考:《西南大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Physical experiment is the basis of physics and the basis of physics teaching. It plays a key role in the cultivation of students' scientific literacy. It is of practical significance to improve the compilation of experimental parts in high school physics textbooks and promote the all-round development of students in high school physics textbooks. The selection of the experiment, the writing style of the experiment and the presentation of the experiment were carried out in the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experiments in the three sets of high school physics textbooks in China and Australia. In the selection dimension of the experiment, the number of different plates and different types of experiments were counted and the qualitative analysis was carried out, and the writing style of the experiment was made. Dimensionality, the qualitative analysis of the experimental column set in the textbook and the analysis of the four links in the experimental structure; the number of experimental illustrations and qualitative analysis of the language expression in the experimental presentation dimension. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) the number of experiments is from many to less. The experiments of Chinese and American textbooks are mainly distributed in the "electromagnetics" and "Mechanics" plates, and the experiments in Australian textbooks are mainly distributed in the "electromagnetics" and "modern physics". In the modern physics plate, a large proportion of Leah and American textbooks have been set up in the modern physics plate. This is related to the wide range of knowledge points in modern physics set in the textbook. (2) Chinese and American textbooks pay more attention to the introduction of experiments, explore the laws of physics, make students clear concepts and establish the basis and method of law. In sex experiments, American and Australian textbooks pay more attention to training students to measure the physical quantity by using the rules of learning. Chinese textbooks pay more attention to guiding students to use their knowledge to solve the problem. The experiments of the three textbooks in China and Australia are based on direct experiments, and the textbooks in the United States and Australia have been set up relatively large compared to those in the United States and Australia. The simulation experiment is more important to train the students' modeling ability through simulation experiments. (3) the three sets of textbooks in China and Australia have set up special columns to carry out the experiment. Among them, there are more kinds of experimental columns in Chinese textbooks, more detailed functional orientation, and some experiments are selected, with certain flexibility and flexibility. The experiment in the book generally has a complete experiment process, and most of the experiments in Chinese textbooks aim at the individual inquiry elements, the complete inquiry activity is less, the different experiments focus on different abilities. (4) in the aspect of the experimental structure, from the "experimental subject", the three sets of textbooks in China and the United States have presented the subject information of the experiment. There is a slight difference in the introduction of the experiment. From the setting of the "experimental plan", the three textbooks in both China and the United States and Australia tend to provide the experimental scheme directly. In comparison, the experimental scheme in the American textbooks is the most open and the students are more autonomous; the opening degree of the experimental cases in the Chinese textbooks is the lowest. In addition, the experiments in American and Australian textbooks have not given the experimental conclusions directly, and they tend to guide the students to get the experimental conclusion, the textbook is strong, and the Chinese textbooks are real. The experiment tends to give the experimental conclusions directly. Some of the experiments also show the idea of the analysis, and the proportion of the experiment in Chinese textbooks is the largest. From the "expansion problem", the experiment in Chinese textbooks is generally laid down on the experimental conclusions, and the American and Australian textbooks are more focused on the introduction of the experiment. Guide students to further explore or think about their application in life. From the setting of "experimental assessment", Australian and American textbooks pay more attention to guiding students to assess the experiment. In comparison, American textbooks are more focused on guiding students to carry out quantitative analysis. In addition, textbooks in China and the United States have special chapters. To introduce the "error" related knowledge. (5) the three textbooks in both China and the United States pay attention to the experiment in the way of combining graphics and text. Chinese textbooks mainly use the schematic diagram to simulate experimental principles, experimental devices, experimental operation scenarios and display experimental results. Sub textbooks mainly use color schematic to simulate experimental principles and experimental devices, rarely show the operation of the experiment, and the specific operation is presented in text. (6) the guidance of the three textbooks on the experimental operation is in place. Security problems; in Chinese textbooks, there are words to improve students' understanding of the nature of scientific inquiry.
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