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发布时间:2018-07-04 13:39

  本文选题:抛锚式教学法 + 思想品德课 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the rapid development of knowledge economy and the increasingly fierce international competition, the development of education has brought great challenges. With the rapid development of science and technology, schools should not only cultivate knowledge talents, but also innovative talents, because only those with innovative spirit and ability can better adapt to and cope with the challenges of this era. Under such background, the defect of traditional education appears day by day. The anchored teaching mode mainly emphasizes the attention to the students' personality difference and all-round development, and pays attention to the content of teaching material and the social life, and in the teaching method, the anchor teaching mode also skillfully adopts the flexible teaching link to carry on the teaching, in the teaching method, the anchor type teaching mode also skillfully adopts the flexible teaching link to carry on the teaching. In the evaluation mechanism, the anchored teaching model is not only based on the students' test results and the school entrance rate as the only standard to measure the quality of teaching. And pays attention to the student comprehensive and free development. With the implementation of quality-oriented education and the implementation of new curriculum reform, the basic concepts of education have also undergone profound changes, and various teaching models have emerged in endlessly. The anchored teaching mode is a kind of intermediary between teaching theory and teaching practice. The study of classroom teaching mode is of great practical significance for deepening classroom teaching practice and constructing classroom teaching theory. Therefore, in the teaching of ideological and moral course in junior high school, we can carry out and use the anchored teaching mode, sublate the teaching concept of traditional ideological and moral course, renew the educational idea, establish a new constructivist teaching view, change the teaching mode, Following the design principle of constructivist teaching, we should open up a teaching model that is conducive to promoting the all-round development of students, change the passive learning of students into active learning, and cultivate talents with innovative spirit, creative ability, personality and all-round development. This article uses the method of combining theory with practice, combining with the teaching experiment carried out by my practical school, deeply expounding the foundation of independent cooperation and independent inquiry. The Application and practice of Anchor Teaching method in Junior Middle School ideological and moral course with students as the main body. On the basis of analyzing the representative teaching mode in the middle school ideological and moral class at present, this paper demonstrates the anchored teaching mode of the ideological and moral course in junior high school, and expounds in detail the theoretical basis, the practical background, the teaching goal of this teaching mode. Teaching requirements, teaching procedures, implementation principles. This paper analyzes the preliminary practice of the anchored teaching model and its achievements, and enumerates the examples of the anchored teaching model in order to enhance the operability and credibility of the model. Finally, the teaching reflection on the anchored teaching model is carried out, and some countermeasures to improve the teaching mode are put forward in order to further explore the teaching mode.


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