[Abstract]:Character biography is a long-standing and vigorous style, which originated in the pre-Qin Dynasty, developed in the Han Dynasty, and flourished in the modern. With the implementation of the new curriculum reform, the character biography has received unprecedented attention. From the perspective of the trend of college entrance examination proposition in recent years, biographical works of figures have also undergone significant changes from less to more, from the focus to the general, and the scores are also rising. In this paper, from the "high school biographical works distribution and classification" and "high school biographical works teaching status survey and analysis" two parts, and strive to explore the "high school Chinese biographical works teaching strategies." Inquiry not only inherited the previous research results, but also carried out on this basis. Some innovations are as follows: firstly, combining the art appreciation method with the teaching of biographical works; secondly, combining the mind mapping method with the study of biographical works, so as to combine the teaching and learning of biographical works, and at the same time affirm the teaching value of biographical works. It will be applied in future teaching practice.
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