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发布时间:2018-10-12 14:29
[Abstract]:"the subject ability is the student's intelligence, the organic combination of the ability with the specific subject, is the student's intelligence, the ability in the specific subject concretely manifests", the geography discipline ability is the student's intelligence, the ability and the geography discipline organic union, At present, the domestic relatively recognized geography subject ability is divided into four levels. With the promotion of the new reform of geography curriculum in middle schools, more and more attention has been paid to the cultivation of geography subject ability. Scholars have put forward many strategies to cultivate the geography subject ability of high school students. Map as the second language of geography classroom, with the development of science and technology, its presentation way is constantly updated. Nowadays, electronic map appears in people's daily life because of its own advantages. The use of electronic maps to develop high school students' geography ability will also be put on the agenda. At present, it is generally accepted in the academic field that the ability of geography is composed of four aspects, namely, the ability to perceive the spatial pattern, the ability to analyze and imagine the geographical process. Ability to process geographic information and use geographic knowledge to solve practical problems. Compared with traditional maps, electronic maps have significant advantages in geography teaching, and the application of electronic maps in geography teaching is a major trend. With the attention paid to the subject ability of geography and the development of electronic map, it has become a new topic to cultivate the geography ability of senior high school students by using electronic map. On the basis of summarizing the previous studies, this paper puts forward the method of improving high school students' ability of geography subject based on electronic map, and carries on the experimental research in the school of author teaching, the experiment is divided into the control class and the experimental class. Through the experimental study of 4 classes with the same initial level, 2 classes are taught by electronic map, 2 classes are not taught by electronic map, and the geography scores of each class are compared before each class is divided into two classes. It is concluded that the application of electronic map to improve high school students' geography ability has a good effect. Finally, aiming at the achievement of four levels of geography ability, the paper puts forward some strategies to improve geography ability. This paper will be divided into five parts: the first part (introduction), mainly introduces the research background, the research status, the research significance, the research content, the research method and the paper structure. The second part, the relationship between electronic map and geography teaching, mainly includes the concept, classification and function of electronic map. In the third part, the strategies and methods of improving senior high school students' geography ability based on electronic map are studied. The fourth part is empirical analysis and research, including the basic situation of empirical schools, students' situation analysis, empirical analysis. The fifth part, conclusion and prospect.


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