[Abstract]:Rural middle schools, because of weak teachers, limited software hardware environment, and students' family education background are not high, so that it is different from the middle schools in the city. Moreover, the students' cultural knowledge in rural middle schools is weak, especially in English subjects. Many students cannot continue to study in the first three years because of the fear and influence of English learning, it can be said that the rural middle school students are in a difficult position in English learning, and now the current English teaching methods in rural middle schools are not keeping pace with the needs of the times. The disadvantages of rural middle school curriculum reform make English teaching reform extremely urgent. In view of this, Pengzhou Education Bureau has called for the implementation of cooperative learning in rural secondary schools, so the author's North Jun Pingyi Middle School is trying to apply this new learning method to practical teaching. The cooperative learning model of the team is in line with the learning mode advocated by the current curriculum reform, which is conducive to the long-term development of the students, and can help improve the teaching efficiency of rural English teaching. However, in most cases, the effectiveness of the Group's collaborative learning is far from being achieved among rural secondary schools. Whether it is a school, a teacher or a student can't really understand the group cooperative learning model, when implementing the team cooperative learning, the group cooperative learning mode is in the form, "Cooperation and cooperation" It does not reach its substantive role and significance. Facing such new learning and teaching methods, students and teachers are facing great problems and challenges. Therefore, this paper bases on the rural compulsory education, investigates and studies the application of cooperative learning in rural areas, and finds out some problems that the group cooperative learning has appeared in the rural area, and the factors that influence the effective implementation of cooperative learning in the group. The study conducted a questionnaire survey, classroom observation and interview and so on. It aims to find out the problems in the application of cooperative learning in rural areas and the factors affecting the effective implementation of cooperative learning in rural areas. Finally, some effective suggestions and strategies are put forward. There are two main research questions. First, what problems have arisen during the implementation of the Rural Middle School? Second, what factors affect the effectiveness of the Group's collaborative learning in the implementation of rural secondary schools? How did it affect? Through this study, the author finds the following questions: there is no clear evaluation mechanism, there is no clear task division, false group activity, frequent use of Chinese in activity, Limited group cooperation time and simple group cooperation task types, as well as the very few excellent students and the group co-operating by the Superior Council. External factors that affect the effectiveness of group activities, such as teacher's role, grouping situation, selection of group cooperation topics, time duration of team cooperation and team evaluation mechanism; internal factors such as student's learning ability, student's personality, Students' learning styles and students' attitude and interest to English learning. All of these issues and factors should be taken into account in the implementation of the Group's collaborative learning. Understanding these issues and factors can help schools and teachers understand the causes of inefficiency in cooperative learning in rural secondary schools. More importantly, on the basis of these issues and factors, some strategies for implementing the Group's collaborative learning can be explored and rationalized recommendations are made to teachers and students in rural secondary schools. The findings of the whole study have helped to make the teachers of rural secondary schools more aware of the actual implementation of cooperative learning in rural secondary schools, thus giving rise to the attention and thought of rural secondary schools. Finally, the research result can help the rural middle school to adopt reasonable grouping, establish group cooperation evaluation mechanism, choose rich topic content and task type, change teacher role and other methods to improve the effectiveness of cooperative learning in rural middle school.
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