[Abstract]:Since the 1950s, high school mathematics competitions in China have been playing an important role in the selection and training of outstanding mathematics talents. In recent years, due to the adjustment of preferential admission policies by the Ministry of Education, the quota for admission has become more and more strictly controlled. As a result of the lack of teachers, the enthusiasm of the students is not high, so many high school Olympiad teaching appears very irregular, and sometimes happens from time to time, because of the high school mathematics competition implementation very big influence, many schools because of the teacher strength lack, the student study enthusiasm is not high, therefore many high school Olympiad teaching appears very irregular, even occasionally. Therefore, this study attempts to carry out a study on the Olympic mathematics teaching in senior high school, starting from the actual teaching situation of the school and combining the practical experience of the mathematics competition teaching in the relevant schools. It also introduces the development course of the Olympic mathematics competition and the educational value of the mathematics competition, and expounds the practical operation method of the mathematics competition teaching from the school and the teacher. Taking the series of numbers as an example, this paper expounds in detail the teaching strategies for the effective teaching of the Mathematical Olympiad in the new course standard. These strategies include: designing well the classroom introduction, eating through the teaching materials, and strengthening the thinking methods; Encourage students to cooperate and explore; variant training, spontaneous understanding; training transfer ability, development of thinking.
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