[Abstract]:Teachers' educational belief is an important instruction of teachers in the process of education. It is also a teacher's understanding of knowledge, understanding of emotion, and profound interpretation of individual cognition and professional development, which is manifested in teachers' view of some kind of education. The conviction of teachers and students. Teachers' educational beliefs are not produced out of nothing, but are the products of culture. Culture and habits play a subtle role in the formation of teachers' educational beliefs all the time. It can be said that culture is the source and destination of teachers' educational beliefs. Therefore, it is of great significance to study teachers' educational beliefs from the perspective of culture. From the perspective of teacher culture, this study uses the methods of literature research and case analysis, based on the research ideas from theoretical argument to practical analysis to theoretical construction. The main body of the paper is divided into three parts. The first chapter mainly explains the theoretical logic of teachers' educational belief and teacher culture, demonstrates the inherent relationship between them, and clarifies theoretically that teacher culture is the deep root of shaping teachers' educational belief. In the second chapter, the author points out that the problems of the present primary and secondary school teachers' educational belief are self-existence based, "alone", "achievement first" and "refusing to change". These educational beliefs derive from the influence of cynicism teacher culture individualism teacher culture secularism teacher culture and conservatism teacher culture. In the third chapter, aiming at the problems of teachers' educational beliefs in primary and secondary schools, the author tries to put forward the cultural conception of rebuilding teachers' educational beliefs from the aspects of self-realization culture, cooperative culture, student-oriented culture and open culture. As the cultural ideal, cultural direction, cultural foundation and cultural goal of the reconstruction of teachers' educational beliefs, this paper puts forward the educational beliefs that should be possessed by the new type of teachers in order to reshape the teachers' beautiful image.
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