[Abstract]:Teaching evaluation is an important part of teaching activities. It is an activity to judge the value of the process and result of the influence of education and teaching. Problem solving is an important way and means for teaching activities to develop in the expected direction. It has multiple functions such as evaluation, guidance, diagnosis, encouragement, prediction, selection and so on. The types of teaching evaluation include student evaluation, teacher evaluation and school evaluation, self-evaluation and others evaluation, diagnostic teaching evaluation, formative teaching evaluation and summative teaching evaluation, qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation. Relativity evaluation, absolute evaluation and individual difference evaluation. Ordinary high school curriculum reform advocates that teaching evaluation should play an important role in promoting students' all-round development. In order to realize the diversity of evaluation contents and methods, formative evaluation should be paid more attention to in teaching evaluation. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed deepening the reform of basic education, establishing the fundamental task of "building up moral integrity and building people," cultivating the core qualities necessary for the lifelong development of students, and taking teaching evaluation as a monitoring mechanism in teaching activities. We must take the cultivation of students' core literacy as the guidance and promote the teaching activities to advance in the right direction. In the questionnaire survey of senior high school geography teachers, it is found that the teaching evaluation knowledge and ability (that is, teaching evaluation knowledge and ability) of senior high school geography teachers are on the low side. Through correlation analysis, it is found that the length of teaching age of geography teachers in senior high school affects the concept of teaching evaluation and the knowledge and ability of teaching evaluation; The promotion of teachers' awareness of teaching evaluation is related to teachers' knowledge and ability of teaching evaluation, and the practice of teachers' teaching evaluation is closely related to their knowledge and ability of teaching evaluation. The knowledge and ability of teaching evaluation restrict the attention to the characteristics of geography in teaching evaluation practice. However, the results of the investigation also show that the influence of teachers' pre-service teaching evaluation courses and training on teaching evaluation on the knowledge and ability of teaching evaluation is not significant. Based on the above analysis, from the perspective of teachers' teaching evaluation ability, this paper puts forward that classroom teaching evaluation should first set up a correct idea, strengthen the accumulation of teaching evaluation knowledge, and improve the quality of teaching evaluation. It is also necessary to strengthen the practice of teaching evaluation, optimize the way of questioning and pay attention to the feedback of results in practice. Based on the discipline core accomplishment, the teaching case and evaluation scale are designed. The paper points out the problems that should be paid attention to in the daily teaching evaluation, and the teaching evaluation should take promoting the development of the core accomplishment as the first important point; In order to realize the diversification of teaching evaluation subjects, students should be aware of the evaluation objective, pay attention to the needs of students, actively guide the cultivation of discipline core literacy, establish a teaching evaluation index system that embodies the subject core literacy. We should pay attention to the evaluation of the special needs of students' development, design the evaluation scheme of teaching according to their aptitude, improve the teaching in formative evaluation, and integrate "teaching", "learning" and evaluation depth. We should integrate the information of teaching evaluation reasonably and do a good job of summative evaluation of teaching.
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