[Abstract]:Today's society changes with each passing day, the rapid development, the socialization of production makes division of labor more meticulous. At the same time, with the increasingly prominent position of culture in the competition of comprehensive national strength, the pluralistic development of culture has been included in the ranks of division of labor and gradually promoted to a new height. A hundred years plan, education as the basis, the rise and fall of national luck, tied to education. Educational culture is the foundation of multi-culture. If a teacher does so, education will do; if a teacher does not do so, education will fail. Teachers, as implementers of educational activities, their own professional development is also more and more stringent requirements. The success of teacher's professional development is the dream of every teacher, and so is the teacher of ideological and moral character (hereinafter referred to as "teacher of thought"). However, due to the lack of understanding of the connotation of professional development, lack of management within the system, differences in regional development, etc., the professional development of rural junior high school teachers has been in a weak position. Discipline usurpation, leadership contempt, self-burnout are all obstacles in front. It is the original intention and ultimate goal of this study that how to keep, develop and respect the teachers of thought quality in rural areas. In this paper, the concept of teacher professional development is defined by the method of literature analysis. By means of questionnaire and interview, this paper makes a research and analysis on the professional development of teachers in rural junior high school, finds out the existing problems, and puts forward some corresponding measures to solve the problems.
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