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发布时间:2018-12-18 10:14
【摘要】:自主学习对学校的教育以及学生的终身发展起着很重要的作用,它是教育领域研究的一个热点话题。培养学生的英语自主学习能力是英语新课程改革中关注的一个焦点问题,也是实行素质教育的一个很重要的问题。随着新课程改革的日益推进,自主学习逐渐被广大教育者当作行之有效的学习方法,怎么样培养学生的英语自主学习能力则显得特别的重要。此外,新课程标准也指出把培养学生的情感态度价值观作为新课程目标的重要组成部分,而自我效能感是情感因素中一个很重要的方面。在影响学生英语自主学习能力提高的诸多情感因素中,自我效能感发挥着重要的作用。而将初中生的自我效能感作为出发点和切入点,对学习过程中英语自主学习能力的影响进行相关研究的不太多。基于此原因,本研究在分析和研究相关的文献综述的基础上,试将自我效能感这一因素作为影响学生英语自主学习能力的一个重要的情感变量,来调查和讨论自我效能感与英语自主学习能力的现状及它们之间的关系,并深入探讨自我效能感对初中生英语自主学习能力的影响,旨在教学过程中使教师有意识地把改善学生的自我效能感作为一项重要举措,来提高学生的英语自主学习能力。本研究把课堂观察、访谈和三个调查问卷---初中生自我效能感及其来源的调查问卷和初中生英语自主学习的调查问卷作为研究工具。选取山东省杜郎口中学的八年级一、二班的学生为受试对象进行问卷调查研究,两个班级分别分成控制班和实验班。实验班采取自我效能感训练来研究自我效能感对自主学习能力的影响。本研究搜集到的所有数据采用统计软件Software Excel和画图软件Sigmaplot进行详细分析。研究结果表明:(1)初中生的自我效能与英语自主学习能力呈明显正相关的关系;(2)通过自我效能训练,实验班的自我效能水平的三个方面和英语自主学习能力的四个方面都不同程度上明显高于控制班;(3)通过提高自我效能感的训练来提高初中生的英语自主学习能力是非常可行的。综上所述,本研究能够为中学教师在引导初中生提高英语自主学习能力,增强初中生的自我效能感的教学实践中提供理论指导。同时,将本研究与英语教育教学实际很好地相结合,有利于将传统教学中“填鸭式的被动式学习转变为主动式学习。在学生自主学习的过程中,老师要注意重视培养和发展初中生的学习独立性和自我效能感,只有当初中生在他们的自主学习过程中不断掌握英语学习的技能和方法,学会如何学习,才能为他们将来的发展奠定扎实的基础。
[Abstract]:Autonomous learning plays an important role in the education of schools and the lifelong development of students. It is a hot topic in the field of education. Cultivating students' English autonomous learning ability is not only a focal point in the new English curriculum reform, but also an important issue in the implementation of quality education. With the development of the new curriculum reform, autonomous learning has gradually been regarded as an effective learning method by the majority of educators. How to cultivate students' English autonomous learning ability is particularly important. In addition, the new curriculum standard also points out that cultivating students' emotional attitude and values is an important part of the new curriculum goal, and self-efficacy is a very important aspect of emotional factors. Self-efficacy plays an important role in many affective factors affecting the improvement of students' English autonomous learning ability. However, taking the self-efficacy of junior high school students as the starting point and starting point, there is not much research on the influence of English autonomous learning ability in the process of learning. For this reason, based on the analysis and research of relevant literature review, this study tries to regard self-efficacy as an important affective variable affecting students' English autonomous learning ability. To investigate and discuss the current situation of self-efficacy and English autonomous learning ability and their relationship, and to explore the effect of self-efficacy on junior high school students' English autonomous learning ability. The purpose of this paper is to make teachers consciously take improving students' sense of self-efficacy as an important measure to improve students' English autonomous learning ability in the process of teaching. The present study uses classroom observation, interviews and three questionnaires-questionnaires on self-efficacy of junior high school students and their sources, as well as questionnaires on English autonomous learning of junior high school students as research tools. The students of Class 1 and Class 2 of Grade 8 in Dulangkou Middle School of Shandong Province were selected as the subjects of the questionnaire investigation. The two classes were divided into control class and experimental class respectively. The experimental class adopts self-efficacy training to study the effect of self-efficacy on autonomous learning ability. All the data collected in this study are analyzed in detail by statistical software Software Excel and drawing software Sigmaplot. The results show that: (1) there is a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and autonomous learning ability of junior high school students; (2) through self-efficacy training, the three aspects of self-efficacy of the experimental class and the four aspects of the English autonomous learning ability are obviously higher than those of the control class in varying degrees; (3) it is very feasible to improve junior high school students' English autonomous learning ability through self-efficacy training. To sum up, this study can provide theoretical guidance for middle school teachers in teaching practice to guide junior high school students to improve their English autonomous learning ability and enhance their sense of self-efficacy. At the same time, the combination of this study and English teaching is beneficial to the transformation of "spoon-feeding" passive learning into active learning in traditional teaching. In the process of students' autonomous learning, teachers should pay attention to cultivating and developing junior high school students' learning independence and self-efficacy, only when junior high school students keep mastering English learning skills and methods in their autonomous learning process. Learn how to learn, in order to lay a solid foundation for their future development.


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