[Abstract]:In the Biology Curriculum Standard, published in 2011, it is pointed out that the realization of curriculum objectives depends on curriculum resources, and the animals in the textbooks are a kind of curriculum resources. How to use zoology to expand knowledge in teaching is a new inquiry problem. This paper mainly uses the teaching material analysis method to analyze the animals appearing in the three required teaching materials of biology in senior high school. In the process of analysis, it was found that the zoology knowledge in the teaching material was relatively scattered and incomplete. In view of these problems, all the animals in the textbook are summarized, the basic knowledge of typical animals is introduced, and two teaching cases are written. The three required textbooks count 116 animals, 83 vertebrates and 33 invertebrates. There are 67 attached pictures and 49 unattached ones. There are 2 species of protozoa, 19 species of arthropods, 2 species of coelenterates, 1 species of link animals and 2 species of linear animals in invertebrates. There are 4 species of fish, 4 species of amphibians, 3 species of reptiles, 20 species of birds and 43 species of mammals in vertebrates. According to the principles of arousing students' interest in listening to classes and improving teachers' professional knowledge, 45 species of animals are introduced according to the principles of combining the contents of teaching materials. The energy "currency" of compulsory cell-ATP, and compulsory isolation and the formation of species are analyzed in a case study. Through the analysis of Mongolian textbooks, it was found that some Chinese textbooks translated unusual animal names, which caused confusion of nouns among students and teachers. The author thinks that it is reasonable to respect the national characteristics and use the animal names frequently encountered in the compilation of teaching materials.
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