[Abstract]:In our country, the authoritative position of teaching material makes the cultural content of teaching material be regarded as reliable and indisputable, which is easy to lead to the blind teaching of teachers and students. In this way, the cultural ideas conveyed in the textbooks will have a certain impact on the users of textbooks to shape their own values. Therefore, we need to use critical perspective to analyze the teaching materials in order to explore whether there is cultural bias or discrimination in the textbooks and whether the reappearance of the culture in the textbooks can help students to cultivate their cross-cultural communicative competence. English (the second edition of 2007) is a set of English textbooks widely used in China. From the perspective of critical discourse analysis (CDA), this study selects all the reading texts (75 in all, about 45300 words) in five compulsory textbooks as a corpus. According to the cultural classification framework of Liu (2013), using the content analysis method, the cultural reproduction is classified from two aspects: cultural source and cultural theme. The results show that the reappearance of the target language culture, the international culture and the source language culture is not balanced from the perspective of cultural sources in English, which is the standard experimental textbook for senior high school curriculum. The target language culture occupies the dominant position. Although both the international culture and the source language culture have been presented, it is obvious that the international culture and the source language culture are insufficient. From the cultural theme point of view, the reproduction of the cultural theme is also selective. Among them, under the category of "C" culture of Big, the theme of "geography" and "history" is highlighted in this set of textbooks, while the theme of "art" is ignored. In the context of Little "c" culture, the theme of "food and beverage" has been emphasized, while the more common theme of "hobby" has not been paid enough attention. These findings suggest that cultural bias or discrimination does exist in the reading texts of this set of high school English textbooks. It will disturb the formation of good cultural consciousness of textbook users, and then affect the cultivation and development of students' intercultural communicative competence. This study not only provides a new perspective for the cultural analysis of English textbooks, but also helps to improve the cultural sensitivity of textbook developers and compilers, and to provide reference for the compilation of English textbooks.
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