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发布时间:2019-04-22 09:18
[Abstract]:A scholar once said, "the mind of a student is not a container to be filled, but a torch waiting to be lit." As a guide to students' study, teachers are like torchbearers who ignite the spark of students' thinking, and classroom questioning is the spark of students' thinking. As one of the important ways of classroom teaching, questioning is regarded by many scholars and experts as the most beneficial to enlighten students' thinking, open up students' thinking, and give full play to the leading role of students and teachers under the background of the new curriculum reform. Teaching is a science from the point of view of knowledge and an art from the point of view of teaching method. Interesting and inspiring questions undoubtedly bring more vitality to the classroom. For teenagers entering high school, children of this age have a strong desire for knowledge and curiosity about the unknown, and teachers must play a leading role in the critical period of student growth at this stage. The interest and inspiration of asking questions in class is to arouse students' interest and attention? The validity of the question is the key. The author combines many methods to study the effectiveness of classroom questioning. Through reading the relevant literature to understand the research situation of this subject at home and abroad, and the progress of our country in this respect in recent years, we have determined our own research direction. At the same time, the relevant pedagogy, educational psychology, classroom teaching theory and other books. It lays a solid theoretical foundation for this study. The author takes senior high school chemistry classroom as the research object, from the students and the teachers two aspects, and adopts the different research method, through the questionnaire investigation way to analyze the student's attitude to the classroom question related aspect. In addition, the problem of heterogeneous classroom recording of two teachers in the same class is analyzed. This paper is divided into six parts. The first chapter is the preface part, which discusses the background, the significance of the research, the choice of the research methods, and the origin and present situation of the research on this problem at home and abroad. The second chapter analyzes constructivism learning theory, humanistic learning theory, Bloom learning theory and metacognitive theory from different angles, which provides theoretical support for effective questioning in classroom. At the same time, the domestic and foreign scholars on the classification of the form of questioning, the author also chose to focus on enumerating. The third chapter summarizes the functions and principles of classroom questioning, and on this basis, the author summarizes five important questioning functions. In the fourth chapter, the validity of classroom questioning is analyzed from process analysis, dimensionality analysis and factor analysis. The fifth chapter carries on the questionnaire investigation analysis to the student, with the aid of the classroom empirical analysis of two teachers of a key middle school in Xi'an, studies the effectiveness of classroom questioning. In the sixth chapter, through the analysis of the results, the author puts forward the problems that should be paid attention to in the classroom questioning and some suggestions. It is hoped that this study can provide some help to teachers and novice teachers.


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