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发布时间:2019-06-02 12:37
[Abstract]:"isomerism in the same course" is based on the same teaching content, and one or more teachers rationalize the teaching content according to the actual situation of the students, the existing teaching conditions and the characteristics of the teachers themselves. Choose effective teaching methods and appropriate teaching strategies, create a good teaching environment, and carry out a comparative study method of different teaching designs. There is no doubt that the concrete teaching implementation steps are an important part of heterogeneous research in the same class. It is an activity oriented to the teaching system and solving teaching problems, and it is the basic guarantee for the smooth progress of classroom teaching. It is also the key to achieve high quality and efficient classroom. Under the background of deepening the curriculum reform and development of basic education in our country, it is more important than ever to optimize the design of English teaching in senior high school and improve the efficiency and quality of English classroom teaching in senior high school in an all-round way. Based on the theory of constructivism, this paper intends to start from the aspects of educational concept and educational thought, according to the specific teaching environment, teaching needs and the changes of teaching objects, through heterogeneous classroom observation in the same class, case analysis, questionnaire. This paper analyzes the application of three constructivism teaching design models in senior high school English teaching design from the perspective of isomorphism in the same class. The purpose of this paper is to promote senior high school English teachers to take the initiative to renew their educational concepts, to change the teaching design centered on teachers, classrooms and teaching materials, and to enable students to participate more actively in the teaching process. It fully embodies the leading role of classroom teachers and the dominant position of students, and provides a reference for perfecting the design of English teaching in senior high school.


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