[Abstract]:Climate knowledge is an important part of geography teaching in junior high school. Junior high school climate knowledge, including climate characteristics, climate distribution, climate impact, climate change and so on, has unique value in the improvement of students' geographical skills and the cultivation of geographical views. At the same time, climate knowledge is also attached great importance to by teachers and propositions. Therefore, it is necessary to study the content of climate knowledge in junior middle school geography teaching materials, guide teachers to better grasp the teaching materials, and improve the pertinence and practical effect of geographical literacy training. In this sense, junior middle school climate knowledge and its teaching research is an important topic in middle school geography teaching research. In structure, this paper is composed of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion. The specific situation is as follows: the first part is the introduction, including the origin of the study, research content, research review and so on. First of all, this paper discusses the research background: climate knowledge is the core content of junior high school geography, climate knowledge contains important teaching value, and there is a lack of theoretical research on the teaching of climate knowledge. After that, the author puts forward the theoretical significance and practical value of this study, and expounds the research objectives of this paper, as well as the research methods and implementation steps used in the research process. Through the literature review of climate distribution, climate characteristic teaching and climate impact research, this paper studies the research status of climate knowledge and the present situation of climate teaching in junior middle school, and finds out the shortcomings in the teaching of climate knowledge in junior middle school. The main body is the second part, including the composition and analysis of climate knowledge in junior middle school, the analysis of teaching points of climate knowledge in junior middle school, and the teaching case analysis of climate knowledge in junior middle school. In the first chapter, based on the perspective of knowledge structure and the distribution of climate knowledge content in junior middle school textbooks, this paper is mainly analyzed from three aspects: "climate distribution", "climate characteristics" and "climate impact". From the aspect of cultivating students' thinking ability, cultivating students' core subject ability, and analyzing their teaching value from the aspect of cultivating students' geographical point of view. The second chapter: combined with the articles and viewpoints of geographers, this paper combs the internal logical context of each part of the climate content, analyzes the teaching points of each part of the content teaching, and emphasizes the key points of teaching. It provides the basis for the next part of the case analysis. The third chapter is the teaching case analysis of climate teaching. This paper selects "temperature distribution" and "regional climate difference" as teaching cases from the national high quality class, analyzes them according to the essentials that should be followed in the teaching of climate knowledge, and finds out the problems and experiences in the actual teaching. Put forward targeted improvement suggestions. Finally, the conclusion and suggestion are summarized, and the prospect of the future research direction is put forward according to the present situation.
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